Loving My Mrs At The Moment (1 Viewer)


Ignore List Poster Boy
Local time
Today, 01:53
Apr 27, 2015
Exactly what I was looking for. A little pricey but since I am spending 7+ hours a day with my ample tush in it, well worth it. Thanks Minty, I ordered from Amazon as soon as I read the reviews.

My butt and my back thank you in advance!


Local time
Today, 06:53
Jul 26, 2013
Let me know how you get on with it.
I had one at a previous job, and am saving up my pennies for one for home.


Local time
Today, 13:53
Dec 5, 2023
I dont have a computer or big speakers, I don't have a printer. All I have and use is an ipad which is 10 or 15 years old. The only modern thing I use on it is Spotify so I can play my guitars to backing tracks. My phone is really old and I never use it. I don't have my own email I use the wife's, which is rare.
I have no idea what twitter or any of the other apps are. Oh, I do play Freecell, it's a card game like solitaire.
I have been a technology recluse since I retired, all I'm interested in is my music and my garden, as you may guess, I live alone.
At my age, technology is beyond me so I opt out of modern things, I used to be good at writing databases but wouldn't know where to start now.
Actually, having said that, I do have a colour TV with a remote control, saves getting up to change the channels. It's a smart TV but no idea what it's smart at. I also have a microwave oven, very handy thing.
My house was built in 1962 and was modernised in the 1970's, thats the way it still is, a bit like a time warp.
Your focus on music and gardening creates a simple and contented lifestyle. Your home's vintage charm adds to the unique atmosphere. While you're not big on technology, you use Spotify for playing guitar and enjoy simple pleasures like a color TV and microwave. It's refreshing to prioritize what brings you joy.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 06:53
Feb 22, 2002
It's refreshing to prioritize what brings you joy.
There is so much anger / war / despair/ corruption in the world today. I rarely watch the news now. I've no interest in politics as they're all idiots. I live alone but see my wife daily (she is in a care home, she has multiple sclerosis), I have a car but I'm toying with not having one, buses are free as I'm a pensioner.
Spring is nearly here and it's a joy to see the happy yellow daffodils are all out and waving. They come up year after year to welcome spring, isn't that better than watching war and death and fighting on TV news?


Local time
Today, 13:53
Dec 5, 2023
It sounds like you have a minimalist approach to technology, focusing on what works best for your musical needs. Using Spotify for backing tracks is a great way to enhance your guitar practice.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 22:53
Mar 14, 2017
There is so much anger / war / despair/ corruption in the world today. I rarely watch the news now. I've no interest in politics as they're all idiots. I live alone but see my wife daily (she is in a care home, she has multiple sclerosis), I have a car but I'm toying with not having one, buses are free as I'm a pensioner.
Spring is nearly here and it's a joy to see the happy yellow daffodils are all out and waving. They come up year after year to welcome spring, isn't that better than watching war and death and fighting on TV news?

i wish i could take that perspective, it would be the easier way out, but i feel like if i don't actually know what's going on in the world, then
1) it's just too tempting not to care, and i ought to care
2) i'll have no idea what side of an issue to support, and after all, we can still vote.

I don't look the other way when I see homeless or street addicts or people in pain, either. It's hard and painful to feel your heart break just a little bit, but healthy.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 06:53
Feb 22, 2002
My perspective is that over nearly 80 years I've 'been there, seen it done it'. Now I've no interest in current things. No idea about social media, haven't got it, don't want it.
I laugh at the posts here about politics, some here seem to be quite passionate about what old idiot gets in the White House- one who falls asleep or one who seems to think money will be his saviour. No doubt his widow-in-waiting will be hoping he doesn't spend it all on court costs etc.

Anyway, as long as I have my music and my garden - what else do you need on a sunny day?

Advice - if you want a 'live by' mantra, listen to Desiderata by Les Crane on YouTube. Some here need it.



Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 00:53
Feb 28, 2001
But then, just for balance, there was "Deteriorata"



Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 22:53
Mar 14, 2017
It's tempting, but apathy by the public let's the government do whatever it wants. I prefer vigilance though it be less peaceful.

On the other hand, I can agree with you in the sense that it's good to personally accept that things are the way they are at the moment - i.e. the Serenity Prayer. Not that things are the way they ought to be necessarily, but just accept the reality that I cannot change the things that are at that very moment.

It is possible to have inner peace while still being vigilant and up to date on government and social happenings - that peace comes neither from a panicked level of vigilance nor from a totally ignoring it - it comes from God, and transcends earthly happenings entirely.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 06:53
Feb 22, 2002
I've no interest in government or social happenings or especially religion. I generate my own peace rather than get involved in the hypocrisy of the former. As I said, been there, done that.

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