Query Dilemma


Registered User.
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Today, 03:10
Jul 21, 2011
The user enters a date on a form: 2/18/2025
I need a query that will calculate the previous Monday and the coming Saturday. The result should look like this:

I'm familiar with DatePart and DateAdd but just can't figure out the logic. ANy help will be appreciated.
If the date is a Monday, do you want the previous Monday to be the entered date or a week prior?
Using the Orders table in Northwinds, this query should provide the OrderDate and the previous Monday - Saturday

SELECT Orders.OrderDate,
DateAdd("d",-Weekday([OrderDate]-2),[OrderDate]) AS PreviousMonday,
DateAdd("d",-Weekday([OrderDate]-2),[OrderDate])+5 AS ComingSaturday
FROM Orders;
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If the date entered is a Monday I would want that date as the "Previous Monday".
I don't quite understand that query. There is a dash before Weekday and also a "-2". How could the -2 be hard coded?
2/23/2025 isn't a Saturday. Did you try the query? It seemed to work for me with all the dates in the Northwind Orders. Open the immediate window and enter:

You should return the requested dates.
My mistake. 2/22 is a Saturday.
The only reason those queries work is because -2 and +5 are hard coded.
Well, yes, the queries work precisely because of the hard-coded offsets to the dates.

Traditionally, we count Sunday as the 1st day of the week in the US. I understand that differs elsewhere, but for the purposes of this discussion, we'll stick to the US Default.

So, if Sunday is day 1, Monday is day 2 -- hence the hard-coded offset to adjust the date in the expression.

And, of course, Friday is the fifth day after after Sunday -- hence the hard-coded offset to the the date.

So, yeah, to get other weeks days, you use different hard-coded offsets accordingly.

You can explore that yourself by adjusting the -2 and -5 to see which weekdays are returned.
you can create your own function:
' chatgpt
Function MondayOfADate(givenDate As Date) As Date
    Dim weekdayNum As Integer
    Dim dte As Date
    ' Get the weekday number (Sunday = 1, Monday = 2, ..., Saturday = 7)
    weekdayNum = Weekday(givenDate, vbSunday)
    ' Calculate Monday of the same week
    dte = DateAdd("d", 2 - Weekday(givenDate, vbSunday), givenDate)
    If Format$(dte, "ddd", vbSunday) = "Mon" Then
        dte = dte - 7
    End If
    MondayOfADate = dte
End Function

' chatgpt
Function SaturdayOfADate(givenDate As Date) As Date
    Dim weekdayNum As Integer
    Dim dte As Date
    ' Get the weekday number (Sunday = 1, Monday = 2, ..., Saturday = 7)
    weekdayNum = Weekday(givenDate, vbSunday)
    ' Calculate the coming Saturday
    dte = DateAdd("d", 7 - weekdayNum, givenDate)
    If Format$(dte, "ddd", vbSunday) = "Sat" Then
        dte = dte + 7
    End If
    SaturdayOfADate = dte
End Function

on your query:
          MondayOfADate(DateEnteredByUser) As PrevMonday, 
          SaturdayOfADate(DateEnteredByUser) As NextSaturday 
From YourTableName;
Thank you all for your responses.
GPGeorge - thanks for the explanation. It seemed to simple to be true.
If I was going to create a solution for this, I would probably create a generic function that would accept a date, a time period like week or month, an offset of periods (positive or negative), and the day of week. The returned date would be a specific day of the week, x number of weeks or months based on the input date.
Well, yes, the queries work precisely because of the hard-coded offsets to the dates.
You had a hard-coded request and so you got a hard-coded answer. What did you expect? You asked for past Monday and future Saturday, duh.
Pat - I wrote you a poem:

If you said you were cold,
I would wrap my arms around you.
If you said you were thirsty,
I would give you the ocean blue.
I would give you anything: the moon, the stars, the sunset too.
This heart in my hands I hold out to you.

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