Suppress debugging or runtime errors prompts. (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
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Today, 07:55
Oct 5, 2017
My database works 99.99% of the time. Once in a blue moon I get an error and this is usually rectified when the user restarts the database. Most of the time I'm not there to see what caused the error.

Is there a way to suppress the error, log it in a table with the form name, error code and/or the module that threw the error and the only prompt the user gets is to restart the database?
Once in a blue moon I get an error and this is usually rectified when the user restarts the database.
I am assuming that is an unhandled runtime error. If it is locking up on a handled error then not sure there is a solution.

But if you want to log errors there are plenty of examples out there of creating an error log and writing to a file or table. Is that what you are asking?
Also this will likely require you to write a lot of error handlers for most methods. If you use MZTools or something similar this will make doing that far easier, because you can add the handlers after the fact and build your own template to have it call the log.
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My database works 99.99% of the time. Once in a blue moon I get an error and this is usually rectified when the user restarts the database. Most of the time I'm not there to see what caused the error.

Is there a way to suppress the error, log it in a table with the form name, error code and/or the module that threw the error and the only prompt the user gets is to restart the database?
Northwind Developers Edition includes error handling and error logging, as MajP suggests. Feel free to incorporate it into your own application.

There is at least one commercial product, called VBWatchDog, which can be used to implement error handling and logging.

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