Filter Main form from subform


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Today, 05:50
Sep 15, 2005
I have a main form that contains basic project information, and one of many subforms that contains project manager and contract information. (forms and subs linked by project ID) My project managers want to have the ability to only show project records that are theirs. I can make a filter based on any field in the main form without a problem using code like below.

Dim strFilter As String
strFilter = "ILFID Like '*FME*'"
Me.Filter = strFilter
Me.FilterOn = True

How do I write a filter to reference the project manager field in a subform that will actually filter the main form and subform records?

Hi! I need to do a similar thing for a db i'm creating... Could you find a solution to this problem?? Thanks!
Hello vid! Send a short example of your mdb, (Access 2000 or 2002-2003, ziped).
this seems wrong. a sub form should consist of (potentially) multiple items of information related to a certain field (fields) on the main form. (So how can the project manager be on a sub form. Do you have more than 1 project manager per project?)

But anyway, I cannot see that here is any item of information in a subform that can have any effect on information displayed in the mainform, (maybe i'll modify that - nothing that couldn't ALSO be managed directly on the main form)

Either that, or what you are describing as a subform, is not REALLY a sub-form.
Hello vid!
1) You have no "subform". Tehere is 1 form "Search Form".
2) "Pop up", properties put No.

I suggest to use "Filter By Form" icons.
Look at attachment (word, zip).


Thank you for your quick responses!

I know that the search form has no sub-form.. The edit claims form does... That is the form which is supposed to open up when you click on View All.. Its the form to which the filter is StrWhere is being applied.. Please have a look at it again... Meanwhile I'll try to use what you sent me :) Thanks a ton!!!
I have a main form that contains basic project information, and one of many subforms that contains project manager and contract information. (forms and subs linked by project ID) My project managers want to have the ability to only show project records that are theirs. I can make a filter based on any field in the main form without a problem using code like below.

Dim strFilter As String
strFilter = "ILFID Like '*FME*'"
Me.Filter = strFilter
Me.FilterOn = True

How do I write a filter to reference the project manager field in a subform that will actually filter the main form and subform records?


See my suggestion here:

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