TextBox Size Limit in Report


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Today, 06:01
Feb 18, 2007
The max size in report for a textbox control is 255. I have some data with length more than 500 characters. How to adjust the max size limit for the textbox to accomodate the full text that needs be displayed?

Thanks in advance.
You can't adjust the maximum size of a Text Box. Use a Memo field instead. So long as the underlying data source is a memo field, the report will show all of the data from that field. (I just tested it with a memo field that is over 1,000 characters in length and it was fine.) Make sure you turn on "Can Grow" for that field so that the full text is displayed.
What version of Access are you using? I just tested with Access 2000 and 2007 and both of those display over 11,000 characters in a text box, and should be able to do up to 65,000. Have you sized your text box so that it can fit that amount of data (you can set the Can Grow and Can Shrink to YES and then it will size to fit).
You can't adjust the maximum size of a Text Box. Use a Memo field instead. So long as the underlying data source is a memo field, the report will show all of the data from that field. (I just tested it with a memo field that is over 1,000 characters in length and it was fine.) Make sure you turn on "Can Grow" for that field so that the full text is displayed.

The memo control is not in the control tool box...am I missing something here? I just can't find the memo control. I'm using Access 2003.
What version of Access are you using? I just tested with Access 2000 and 2007 and both of those display over 11,000 characters in a text box, and should be able to do up to 65,000. Have you sized your text box so that it can fit that amount of data (you can set the Can Grow and Can Shrink to YES and then it will size to fit).

I'm using Access 2003. I tested the text box with "Can Grow" set to YES, it still doesn't expand.
There's not a memo control, so to speak. Memo is a data type, not a control type. Assuming your report is based on a table, then so long as the field in the table is set the memo data type, it works.

To test this, make a dummy table called "Test" or something simple. In it, put one field called "TestField" and set it's data type to Memo. Go out to a website or something else where you can get more than 255 characters, dump it into the memo field in the table you just created. Then make a dummy report, base it on the table "Test" and drop that memo field in. It will show the full memo field.

On thinking about this a little, I'm starting to think you have data that is bigger than 255 characters and you're trying to import/write that into a text field in a table. That won't work. Bob is right in that a textbox in a report will handle roughly 64KB of text (~65,535 characters). So long as the underlying field that needs to hold more than 255 characters is set to memo, you'll be okay.
There's not a memo control, so to speak. Memo is a data type, not a control type. Assuming your report is based on a table, then so long as the field in the table is set the memo data type, it works.


It works now.

Thank you and other folks on the forum for taking the time to reply my question!

Je suis très intéressée par ce sujet car je rencontre le même problème avec ma base de donnée développée sous Access 2000. Une de mes tables comporte une colonne avec un très grand nombre de caractères >> 255. J'ai changé le type de Text à Mémo comme vous l'avez conseillé précédemment. Pourtant, sur un report qui est basé sur une query (qui utilise la table en question), le texte n'apparait pas en entier; et c'est vraiment très embêtant, je reste bloquée sur ce problème. J'ai vérifié les propriétés "can grow/shrink", la taille de la textbox, mais rien n'y fait...

Auriez-vous une solution à me proposer s'il vous plait?

Merci d'avance

Sorry, my last mail was in french. So, for those who would like to answer my questions in English :
I have te same problem: A column of my table contains a lot of characters >> 255 . I've changed, as you said before, the Text field into Memo field. Although, my report (based on a query) is not full: All my sentences are cut. I'm so disappointed because I don't see were is the problem. (I've already check for the "can grow", "can shrink" items ; the size of the textbox...)

Could you help me please if you see what's wrong in my report?

Tks a lot


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