Form complications


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Local time
Tomorrow, 05:33
Jun 12, 2008
I have a table that is called books. In this table it contains all the 'books' avaliable in the 'library'. A field in this table is called onShelf. When it is checked, it means the book is on the shelf, when it is unticked it is currently 'issued'.

On the book issue form i currently run the query, "SELECT bookID FROM tbl_book WHERE onShelf=true". This query works fine and in the drop down combo box it shows all the books that are avaliable to be issued. The problem is, when i issue out a book (onShelf is unticked) the book title disappears from the Issue form because it is no longer onShelf.

I am completely brain dead trying to think of a solution to this problem, hopefully some expert here has a simple work around to this problem, If you don't understand what i mean ask question and i'll see what i can do
So you still want it to be visible when it is issued?

"The problem is, when i issue out a book (onShelf is unticked) the book title disappears from the Issue form because it is no longer onShelf."
Simple Software Solutions

What you have explained is completely logical and is working correctly. I do not understand what your problem is.
So you still want it to be visible when it is issued?

"The problem is, when i issue out a book (onShelf is unticked) the book title disappears from the Issue form because it is no longer onShelf."

Yes I still need to see the book that has been Issued out rather than seeing a hole lot of Issues that appear blank.

What you have explained is completely logical and is working correctly. I do not understand what your problem is.

Yes it does work correctly, in the fact that when i select a book to be issued, it unchecks the onShelf box making the book 'Unavaliable'. Yet in the Issues form because the book is now unavaliable the book title is now not showing.
I'm really not sure what you're asking - the explanation in the OP seems to make sense.
I'm really not sure what you're asking - the explanation in the OP seems to make sense.

Yeah i'm really confusing myself as well lol. I'll give an example of how it works hopefully it will make some sense.

I open the form_bookIssues:
I select the studentID from the Student search combo box. In the subform_bookissues, it will then list the current book issues that student has.

In the next new Issue row (under the previous issues), I select the book title from the combo box (remembering that only avaliable books show in this list). Set all the dates (due date etc etc), Then tick the Issued check box (which will update the book table making that book unavaliable.

Ok in theory that works great, and it seems to work all fine, but when i select another student to Issue another book, All previous book issue titles appear blank, The dates etc are all still there, just book title
Could you post the db? Prob much quicker. Zip it and upload it here in the advanced bit of the post.
Sorry mate, I'm at work and we use the 2003 version of Access. As is I can't open it.
Here, I saved it as a 2003 version, hopefully it'll still work the same

EDIT: Well the same error occurs, so thats good.. I guess lol


For the avaliable books?

No, For the Book Title Combo box, i have just add to the query under 'Row Source' in data properties.

This is what the row source shows for it:

SELECT tbl_book.bookID, tbl_book.bookTitle FROM tbl_book WHERE (((tbl_book.onShelf)=True));

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