Need help ingetrating Barcode Scanning into a custom Database


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Mar 19, 2008
I'm having some trouble with this, and I figured maybe someone can help me out if they have something similar already.

We have several custom-built access databases for our warehouse's inventory, one for each customer. My boss wants me to figure out a way to get the barcode scanner he bought to integrate with the inventories. I've been trying to find some kind of program that will allow me to set up a VERY customized data-entry system on the scanner, import it as an excel file, and then I can work the rest out with the database.

Unfortunately, most of the research I've done has only come up with very strict data-entry systems and/or a system that is based on a pre-built inventory software system.

We're a small warehouse and don't have much money to spend on this. Does anyone have any suggestions or know of any software that would do the job?
There are lots of scanners that feed into the keyboard buffer of your PC. The Access database doesn't see any difference between the scanner input and the keyboard so there's no special interface required. Some scanners can be configured to add a special character at the end of a barcode such as a tab or a CR, which is useful.

IIRC, the ones we bought cost around £100 each.

I'm not sure if that answers your question, though.
Thanks for the response, but no, it doesn't. We've got an actual barcode scanner.

The issue comes in where the scanner needs to be out and about in the warehouse, not hooked directly up to the computer. Then the scanner is used to gather information on parts in the warehouse, then brought back to the computer and synced up--or better yet, synced up live via wireless.

However, it seems like most programs that incorporate this function are MASSIVELY expensive. I'm trying to figure out if I can rig up something much, much cheaper.
Sorry, I meant to say that our scanners are wireless. We didn't have to make any amendments to our system, the scanner and its driver software did every thing we needed.
What kind of system and software are you using? And what for?

Thanks! =)
It's an integrated fleet management and vehicle workshop system (including stores) called Fleetmaster. It's a bought in system actually written in Fox Pro.

I can't remember the brand of the scanners but there was nothing special about them. I can find out but not today!
Hmmm. We don't need something that specific... We actually need something much more general, and preferably very customizable.
I am working with a scanner from They seem to have some inexpensive options that might help you. :)
Hmmm. We don't need something that specific... We actually need something much more general, and preferably very customizable.
I think you're missing the point. If the scanner feeds the keyboard buffer on the PC then you don't need any customisation of your software and it is entirely general because the data appears as if it was typed into the keyboard. Most scanners will allow you to configure them how you want.
*chuckle* I think we're on entirely different pages here.

The thing with the scanner is this: I understand that the scanner will feed into the computer. The problem is that I need a customizable input for the scanner itself--one that can be customized for fields, procedures, etc, on the scanner itself--and I'm having trouble finding a program *for the scanner* that will do this.

Here's what I need for my basic setup:

Upon Startup: Request User ID Number

Then there would be four different options:
New receipt, Cycle count, Put Away, Ship Product

And then there would be a procedure for each option:

New receipt:
<apply pre-printed barcode to product>

<scan new product barcode>
Enter item code (limited to item list)
Enter qty 1
Enter qty 2
Enter qty 3
Enter PO #
<review entry>
<save or edit entry>

Cycle count:
<scan product being counted>
<scan location product is in>
<more product? (y/n)>
<if YES, repeat above; if NO, continue below>

<scanner brings up total qty for part>
<write down on paper if inaccurate – fixed in office after physical review by office staff>

Put Away:
<scan product being put away>
<scan location product is being put>
<if location is in racks (vs in shelves), request Pallet ID Number>

Ship product:
<Same Order Number as last order? (y/n)>
<if NO, then Enter New Order Number; If YES, automatically enter last Order Number>
<scan product being shipped>
<scan location product was taken from>
Enter qty 1
Enter qty 2
Enter qty 3
<error message if not available – fixed in office before continue>

All of this data would ideally somehow be synced up with the main computer in real time so that at any given time we would know how much of any given product we have in any given place. I haven't been able to find a program for the PocketPC scanner we have that would allow this kind of customizable input, though.

I hope that helps clarify what I need and why. =)
Ah, I understand now. That's a very different question from your original post!

I think this is non-trivial, though, and not an on the shelf solution. A scanner on its own won't do this. I presume your Pocket PC doesn't have a wireless network connection. Although you can't get Access for the Pocket PC, there are some third part db apps that you might be able to use to write a data capture system.

Otherwise it may require another handheld with scanner and a wireless network connection. Trouble is that Access doesn't like the network being dropped even for an instant and wirelss connections (especially in a factory environment) aren't 100% reliable.
Yeah, that was a long day at work... =P I didn't explain it very well. Thanks for the tip, though! I've been looking at 3rd party apps and have been more or less unsuccessful (broken links, too expensive, doesn't work the way I think it will, etc...), but I'll keep looking. =)
Is This any good to you
If so I can forward you the file
Active Barcode Component : Version 4.2
Please turn on Word-wrap to read this document.
Note that this product will behave as a testware version unless valid licence codes are entered during Setup.
Testware versions have a portion of the barcode missing.
These notes apply to all Active Barcode Components, using Active Barcode Component - Universal as an example. The control names are:
Active Barcode Component - Universal = axbarcode.ocx
Active Barcode Component - Code 39 = abc39.ocx
Active Barcode Component - Code 128 = abc128.ocx
Active Barcode Component - EAN/UPC = abcean.ocx
Active Barcode Component - ITF = abcitf.ocx
This product is suitable for Windows 98/2000/XP/2003/Vista or later.
Active Barcode Component may be registered with your computers operating system in three ways:
1. Self-registration during setup. Your own software setup program should self-register the component, just as the dLSoft one should. This does not always work!
2. Registering from within another program. Many major programs (eg. Word, VB, Delphi) now contain menu items for registering controls or components. Essentially you just use the browse button to find the AXBARCODE.OCX file and the program will then register the component.
3. Manual registration. From a command prompt in the installation directory, run
Regsvr32 axbarcode.ocx

Using the component.
The components are specifically designed for use with Visual Basic 6 and VBA (eg. in Microsoft Access). We are not able to supply sample code for use in other environments.
The component may be used as an Automation object (eg. selecting Insert Object from a program Edit or Insert menu), or as an Active-X control by adding it to a form in Visual Basic, Borland's C++ Builder or Delphi, or within Container application such as Word and Access. In Access the Caption property can become bound to a data field as the Control Source.
Note that this is a developers product. Only the developer can use the product in design mode. Developers may not distribute the design time licence. Only the run-time file (.OCX) may be distributed.
Release notes:
version 4.2
Modified to allow operation under UAC in Vista.
Version 4.1
The USPS OneCode and China post codetypes have been added to the list of types supported by the 1D Universal version. The list of supported types shown on the 1D Universal version's property page now appears in alphabetical order.
Version 4.0
This version is a major re-write and is not a drop-in replacement for previous versions. Code 128 control parameters may now be user defined (although the defaults remain as before). See the Help file for details. The bitmap graphics functions now produce 1-bit 2-colour bitmaps for GIF and BMP filetypes and black & white bitmaps for PNG. The ID keys have been modified but we do not recommend using this version on the same machine as earlier versions.
v3.3 IATA 2 of 5 barcode and Japan Post code types added to ITF and Universal versions. See Barcode Help for details.
v3.2 All components marked as safe for initialising
Active Barcode Component - 1D Universal now support ISBN-13 barcodes. See Barcode Help for details.
v3.1: TargetHdpi and TargetVdpi properties added to allow bitmap images to be generated for a defined target resolution.
If installing after an earlier version, note that all projects will require the component to be deleted and re-added. In the case of Delphi, the AXBARCODELib_TLB files should be deleted, along with any package created, and the component reinstalled into Delphi.
In the case of Word 2000 the Axbarcodelib.* files must be deleted (usually in Windows System or Profile\user\local settings AND Word 8's temporary directory) and the component re-added to documents. If this is not done the macros may fail with a property error and the ActiveX property sheet will cause an exception which will require a restart of Windows.
For Excel and Access the earlier versions of the control must be removed from forms and added again - otherwise property errors will be encountered.
This release contains working samples for VB6, Access 2002/2003.

dLSoft November 2006
For support:
That would be the exact file I am looking for , I am running the Northwind Data base Access 2007 ,

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