Happy Veterans Day


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Local time
Today, 05:56
Jul 29, 2008
To all the men and women that have served or are serving in the Armed Forces of their country ... Happy Veterans Day!!!

I also would like to exted a Happy Veterans Day! to the wives, husbands, children, and parents for their sacrifices by providing support and by sharing their loved ones because that in itself is service to their country.

And for my immediate brothers and sisters that are out there ... Happy Birthday Marine!!!!

Have an awesome day and no matter the capacity, be proud of your service!

I can't quite see what is happy about remembering millions killed in battle.

I'm sure the 5,000 dead US soldiers families will be extatic their loved ones were killed in the Iraq war founded on a lie just to boost the bank balance of GWB and his corrupt cronies.

I hope your celebrations of people being killed goes well.

Colin, I think you may not be fully aware of the American days.

See this quote from the Political Forum for an explanation.
Don't mean to pick, but it is actually Veteran's Day here tomorrow, not Memorial Day, which is in May.

Veteran's Day is obviously aimed at honoring the veterans from war, while Memorial Day is more a day to honor the deceased, with an emphasis on fallen soldiers.

Personally I have no problem with this. Given the sacrifices they have made, physically and mentally, personally and professionally, I feel they deserve this respect at all times but, as someone else has mentioned, it sometimes takes law to make people recognize and respect such individuals.
To all the people who felt strong enough to give their lives believing they could offer us a secure and happy future, a heart felt thank you. Regardless of whether we share their belief our gratitude should be extended that they cared enough to fight and die so that we wouldn't have to.
To all the men and women that have served or are serving in the Armed Forces of their country ... Happy Veterans Day!!!
Just curious, does that include those that gave their lives in the American civil war?:confused:
Just curious, does that include those that gave their lives in the American civil war?:confused:

Veterans Day really isn't to honor deceased individuals but those still living to give thanks for their service to our country. If there are any veterans still alive from the Civil War era, I'd like to meet them. :D

Or as Col would put it, it's another useless holiday to give us an excuse to stay home and not work. We are the laziest people in the world. ;)
Or as Col would put it, it's another useless holiday to give us an excuse to stay home and not work. We are the laziest people in the world. ;)

I didn't have it off. In fact, I just got home about 20 mnutes ago. Worked a 13 hour day and ate a quick Chik-Fil_A sandwich for lunch. (sorry... didn't think to get a picture of it) :)
Or as Col would put it, it's another useless holiday to give us an excuse to stay home and not work. We are the laziest people in the world. ;)

Where did I say that?

You must be slipping up. A missed opportunity:D

Americans are not the laziest in the world. They are just the most obese.

Although from what I saw in Great Yarmouth today, the UK is not that far behind. I was in a music shop opposite a chip shop and couldn't believe the lard-asses going in there to get their daily fix of grease and cholesterol.

Maybe they should rename the place 'Yar Great Mouth'...:p
I didn't have it off. In fact, I just got home about 20 mnutes ago. Worked a 13 hour day and ate a quick Chik-Fil_A sandwich for lunch. (sorry... didn't think to get a picture of it) :)

I also had to work. ;)
Where did I say that?

There's a search button located at the top of the forum. I'm sure if you looked, you'd find it. ;)

But since you repeat things on a consistent basis, I thought I would beat you to the punch on this one.
There's a search button located at the top of the forum. I'm sure if you looked, you'd find it. ;)

But since you repeat things on a consistent basis, I thought I would beat you to the punch on this one.

I have never said Americans are lazy. If you think I did - prove it. Until such time, I would appreciate you not making up quotes.

I have never said Americans are lazy. If you think I did - prove it. Until such time, I would appreciate you not making up quotes.


Why not? You make up enough for everyone.
Why not? You make up enough for everyone.

So you did make it up then. I would have expected better from you as an ex moderator, and respected member of the forum.

Still, you can't win 'em all.


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