Query to find Max Date Record and other fields


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Today, 13:41
Jan 28, 2009
I have the following tables:

Product: (parent table of products)
Product ID
Product Description

Location: (child table of locations where products have been moved and dates)
Product ID
Move Date

The product ID field is a left outer join between both tables (show all Product ID in table Product and only those Product ID in table Location where the fields are equal).

I would like a single query to return, for every Product ID in table Product, the Max of Move Date in table Location and the Location field in that record.

I can get the max dates, but I can't get it to show the location unless it shows all the locations for that Product ID.

Any help would be appreciated.

The problem is that not every move in the Location table has a move date. Previously, moves were recorded, but not dated. They also were not always entered in sequential order.

With this query, when all the moves for a Product ID have no Move Date, the query will return a blank Location (even when there are records with a Location).

I can't assign an arbitrary date to the missing Move Dates and none of this data is always entered sequentially (so I can't track it using the autonumber field).

Any thoughts?
I'm not sure there's any way of achieving your stated goal if some records don't contain a date or some other way of determining the most recent move. If you can't do it by eye, examining the data, then Access can't do it either.

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