Show allrecords in subform


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Today, 20:41
Jan 14, 2009
I success build up a parent-child link form when user select year of birthday from a combo box critical customer will show in the subform.

Here is my question. I union the combo with “*” and want to show all records. But subform just show nothing.

Below is the query. When I replace * with 2005 it will show the 2005’s record.

SELECT Cust_Q.ExprB, Cust_Q.ExprB FROM [Cust_Q] UNION Select "*" as allchoice,"(All)" as bogus FROM [customer];

Any suggestion will be appreciated.


Your forms were corrupt. I had to create a new blank database import the table and then to recreate the forms and queries.

See if the attached is what you want

Attachments HiTechCoach, Thanks for your solution so quickly. Yes, that’s what I truly want.
I had studied your mdb and found a new critical in query Cust_Q also break the parent-child link of B_year. Is there any possibility to keep the link between B_year and ExprB?

I do not know of a way to link the parent form to the child form when you want to use a Like createia to be able to use Like "*".

The solution I proved is the dimpliest way I know to do it.

Some possible solutions you could try::

1) Is you select "ALL" then remove the master/child linking fields

2) change the combo pox to use 0 for "All". When you select "All" change the sub form's record source to have the linking column to always be 0 so every record matches the combo box.

It may be possible to use a single query and calculate the column so that you do not need to change record sources. I tend to avoid doing this to avoid incompatibly and speed issues.
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I was curious so I tried both the suggested solutions.

#1 was easy

#2 was a more difficult to figure out.

I have attached both tests.


Dear HiTechCoach:
Yes, I love your idea of #2 which keeping the linked fields ,by the way, your suggestion with Nz() is more simple than my IsNull() to check combo B_year.
Coach just cure my headache and I like to say thank you again and again. :)

ps. I don't know why #1 can't work in Access 2007.
Dear HiTechCoach:
Yes, I love your idea of #2 which keeping the linked fields ,by the way, your suggestion with Nz() is more simple than my IsNull() to check combo B_year.
Coach just cure my headache and I like to say thank you again and again. :)

ps. I don't know why #1 can't work in Access 2007.

You're welcome!

Glad I could assist.

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