link xls and append query


Local time
Today, 10:55
Nov 16, 2008
I got an answer from my question re the "extra quotes on my fieldname after importing the spreadsheet". My date/time fieldname was empty due to datatype used and i'm not able to change the data type because it was just supplied to me from the phone server. Somebody told me why not link the the *.xls and use append query. I dont have an idea how to do this, that's why i wrote this posting maybe someone here could share with me his expertise or humble knowledge to solve this.
As of now, i need to open the spreadsheet (saved as "csv") to "xls", before importing it to access. I need to get this spreadsheet without reopening using excel.

Ex: my fieldname is "call start" and data type is "date/time" so value in spreadsheet is "01/25/2009 8:10". I dont need the time, i did so many ways but it didnt work. please help me on this.

All I need is a sample script how to do the automatic linking/saving of *.csv file into *.xls having my "call start" field not empty. I already had my script how to auto importing the *.xls file into my access.

Please help me on this.
Can you post a sample of the source spreadsheet to work on?

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