Refreshing Values in a Combo box

A Johnston

New member
Local time
Today, 02:45
Mar 30, 2009

I have a combo box that is dependent on a text box. The combo box is populated by one of two tables depending on whether the value in the text box is less than 500 or not.

This works, however, I need the combo box to refresh just as soon as the focus on the text box is lost.

What syntax would work in the lost focus method in code???
Can't understand the repaint or requery method.

Any ideas???

A Johnston
Can't understand the repaint or requery method.


Basically it comes down to this:

Repaint - it refreshes the visual aspect of forms or reports and does nothing for the data underlying it.

Refresh - it will refresh the current data but only to the extent that it still is only for the records that were originally in the recordset to begin with. If a record is added or deleted by another user, refresh will not include those.

Requery - will give you a complete new set of records, including the records that may have been added or deleted by other users since the time you last opened the recordset (or the form, control, or report did).

That is a real simplistic explanation and I hope it helps.
Thanks to both of you,

I did spend quite a bit of time this past weekend examining this issue.
I looked at performance issues; searched this forum, examined different implementations, etc. Basically couldn't see the trees for the forest. :D

I will let you know how this works out after I get home. This is a single user environment, a gratis job for a golf club of retirees in Arizona.

Thank you again because I know you really answered this question elsewhere.

Looks like I owe an answer to the next post that I can.


A Johnston

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