Navigation buttons keep breaking


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Today, 09:07
Jun 22, 2009
Solved:Navigation buttons keep breaking

I have build a form that will carry 6 tabs to it, each tab will be a place I can add a record to a certain table (ie: magazine issue, reviews, builds, etc). At the bottom of each of these tabbed sections are navigation buttons that was build from the button creation GUI (access 2007). My buttons worked fine on the first tab (buttons I had were: new record, first record, previous record, next record and last record) until i added my content on the second tab and navigation buttons. After that my first tab would not navigate to the next and previous record then the first tab would not creat a new record, popup box says "you can't go to the specified record". Same with the Nav buttons. I have tried delete the buttons and rebuild them but no luck. Questions:

How can I build these buttons to work?
Should I use VB? (keep in mind i still very new to VB and access, so some direction is needed)
Is it better to attach my nav buttons to the main form and not in a 'tabbed' section? if so then please direct me in the right direction how to code that or build that..

thank you for your time.
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From your description of what you are doing, I have to assume that you have a sub form on each of the tabs as this the only way that you can be adding a new record to multiple tables as you describe.

If this is the case (if it is not the case you will have to re-design your form) then you can have navigation buttons on each of your subforms.

My question is, "Why not just use the naviagtion buttons that are built into each form?"

Each set of buttons would need to control one record set.

If you can provide a little more insite perhaps we can help a little more.

From your description of what you are doing, I have to assume that you have a sub form on each of the tabs as this the only way that you can be adding a new record to multiple tables as you describe.

If this is the case (if it is not the case you will have to re-design your form) then you can have navigation buttons on each of your subforms.

My question is, "Why not just use the naviagtion buttons that are built into each form?"

Each set of buttons would need to control one record set.

If you can provide a little more insite perhaps we can help a little more.
Thank you MrB. Maybe that is my issue because this is what I did.. I added that tabs from the navigation bar at the top. then (in design view) i did the Add Existing Fields and dragged them over. That way it shows like a entry form not a spread sheet.
I went back to my form (forgot about those little buttons at the bottom) and tried those, they seem broken too.. not to mention when i am on the tab with the 'magazine issues' which consist of 15 entries the bottom navigation buttons (build in access) show 330 entries.. strange?

Here is my ultimate goal. (grab a drink, lol) I am archiving 10 years worth of magazines and the articles in them. I have these tables:

tblMagazine (magazine issues put into here)
tblReviews (review articles put ino here, linked to Magazine_ID)
tblscale (list of model scale 1/48,1/72 etc, linked to each article)
tblMagazine_Title (magazine title, linked only to tblMagazine)
tblManufactures (list of model manufactures, revell, taymia etc, linked to each article)
tblSubject (List of model subjects, p-51, p-40 etc, link to each article)
tblInfo (information articles, linked to Magazine_ID)
tblBuilds (build articles, link to Magazine_ID)
tblHow_To (how to articles, linked to Magazine_ID)

Goal: I have alot of articles and magazines to go through (oh did i mention i am scanning the article for reading and putting in a hyperlink) and I wanted to build a form that I can enter in my data from one form rather than each tbl. I have build the VB code that will check if i am entering in a manufacture that is not listed in the tblManufactures. It will then ask me if i want to add that new Manufacture (same as scale, subject and magazine_title). This way I will not have to go to my tblManufactures and add it, then refresh the other table just to add it. (make sense?).
So I made one form (called frmMainAdd) and added 5 tabs (Magazine,Reviews,Builds,How To, Info). I did not bring over a subform to each tab because I just want this as a way to add my data as fast as possible and go onto the next article. Am I wrong with my thinking?

I have re-read your questions: "If this is the case (if it is not the case you will have to re-design your form) then you can have navigation buttons on each of your subforms." so, I should have the "add existing fields" at the top area (on the tab) and then a sub form in the same tab?

thanks so much... I owe you a drink for reading this..

I am still somewhat concerned and, I guess, confused.

How are you providing the data to your controls if they are not in a sub form. I may be missing something here but If you are somehow trying to use a single query and have all of the fields from all of your tables in that query, then you will not be able to data entry because, I assume, that there are one to many relationships between the the the various tables.

I am suggesting that you create a sub form for each of the tables that you need to make a data entry into. Have the table as the record source for the form. You will have a sub form for each of your tabs.

Have you primary table as the record source of your main form. Then you can link each of the sub forms to the main form using the Child/Parent link properties of the subform when placed in the main form.

Each of these sub forms can then have multiple records (in the appropriate table) and all of these records linked to the main form (table).

I hope this is helping you.
I am still somewhat concerned and, I guess, confused.

How are you providing the data to your controls if they are not in a sub form. I may be missing something here but If you are somehow trying to use a single query and have all of the fields from all of your tables in that query, then you will not be able to data entry because, I assume, that there are one to many relationships between the the the various tables.

I am suggesting that you create a sub form for each of the tables that you need to make a data entry into. Have the table as the record source for the form. You will have a sub form for each of your tabs.

Have you primary table as the record source of your main form. Then you can link each of the sub forms to the main form using the Child/Parent link properties of the subform when placed in the main form.

Each of these sub forms can then have multiple records (in the appropriate table) and all of these records linked to the main form (table).

I hope this is helping you.

You are the man, the myth and the legend all rolled up in one.. First off let me thank you for even replying because you didn't have to. So you suggestion from the first post made me go back to the drawing board and built off what you suggested about the subform and it seems to be working.. I removed all frm's and started all over (on a copy of my original) and so far it is working as desired. granted i have to rebuild all the VB and etc but hey serves me right for jumping in blindly.. Just cant read the manuals fast enough.. Thank you.
If you just knew how many times some of us have had to just wipe the slate clean and start over you would be amazed. This is just part of the learning curve, and unfortunately there is just no way around it.

If you don't mind, you can click the Scales at the top right to help me improve my reputation.

Good luck with your project.
you got it.. thanks for showing me how to show my 'thanks'.

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