Spell Check Questions


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Today, 10:27
Nov 10, 2009
Ok, I found this code on the internnet.

Private Sub CompanyName_AfterUpdate()
'If the textbox contains data run the
'Spell Checker after data is entered.
If Len(Me!CompanyName & "") > 0 Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSpelling
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

now... he're the rub,
it works great doing a spell check of the fields that I tab through, but on my main form it will try and spell check the WHOLE TABLE.

How do I customize this to keep the spell check only to the record I have selected and not try to spellcheck 5000 enteries?

I want to use this for people who are inputing data into new fields, or editing fields of records. I have another button set up elseware for a full check.
it could be something to do with the Cycle property. i think what you need to do is change the cycle property to Current Record for when you want to do your one-record spell-check and switch it back to All Records after you are finished
I changed the cycle property to current record and current page, it will finish the check of all the fields on all of the fields in the form. I just want them to check the field of the form selected, and that's it.
Try setting the focus to the field you want checked for spelling before you call acCmdSpelling.
try ghudson's approach first and if that doesn't work then.....

....maybe try saving your form's record source to a string variable, set your form's record source to the empty string, move the focus (txtField1.SetFocus) to the the text box you want to perform the search on, perform the search. finally set your form's record source back before saving. not sure what the outcome may be though
How would I do that?

Private Sub CompanyName_AfterUpdate()

'If the textbox contains data run the
'Spell Checker after data is entered.

If Len(Me!CompanyName & "") > 0 Then
[B]    Me.CompanyName.SetFocus[/B]
    DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSpelling
    Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
"sighs" still not working...

try this:

if Trim(txtBox1.value) <> "" and IsNull(txtBox1.value) = false then
txtBox1.selLength = Len(Trim(txtBox1.text))
' Then perform your search here.
end if

where txtBox1 is the name of the text box you want to perform the search on
nope.. as soon as I correct the field, it moves onto the next record.
So, How do I incorperate this:
Private Sub LimitedSpellCheckButton_Click()

With Me!ControlToBeChecked


If Len(.Value) > 0 Then
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
.SelStart = 1
.SelLength = Len(.Value)
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSpelling
.SelLength = 0
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End If

End With

End Sub
Into what i'm trying to do?
look at your Edit and Spell Check options in Access. maybe you can specify it not to move. are all your controls bound or unbound objects?

what you could do is unbind it before the spell check, then rebind after? I'm referring to it's ControlSource property. but that would depend upon whether they are bound or unbound.

create an unbound text box, set the value of that text box to the value of the search string. use the code supplied by ghudson to perform your spell check, and return the corrected value back to that control.
OK, I did :

Private Sub CompanyName_AfterUpdate()
With Me!CompanyName
If Len(.Value) > 0 Then
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
.SelStart = 1
.SelLength = Len(.Value)
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSpelling
.SelLength = 0
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End If
End With
End Sub

I'm gettng and error code saying the macro is not allowing the data to be saved...

any ideas?
The Macro of runction set to the beforeupdate or ValidationRule property for this field is preventing Construction Pipeline from saving this data in the field

* If this is a macro, open the macro in the Macro window and remove the action that forces a save (for example, GoToControl).
*If the macro includes a SetValue action, set the macro to the AfterUpdateproperty of the control instead.
*If this is a function, redefine the funtion in the Module Window.
OK, I did :

Private Sub CompanyName_AfterUpdate()
With Me!CompanyName
If Len(.Value) > 0 Then
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
.SelStart = 1
.SelLength = Len(.Value)
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSpelling
.SelLength = 0
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End If
End With
End Sub

I'm gettng and error code saying the macro is not allowing the data to be saved...

any ideas?

I think it would be better you put that on the LostFocus event of CompanyName. Also ensure that on the form's Data property, the "Allow Additions" and "Allow Edit" properties are set to Yes
THAT WORKS! changed from update to Lost focus. It's working perfectly now!
THAT WORKS! changed from update to Lost focus. It's working perfectly now!

You're welcome. As an idea, maybe you could create an checkbox on your form that asks if the user wants each data entry to be checked everytime. Then check against what value deciding whether or not to perform a check. Just an idea (and i suppose it depends on how you want it done too).
I want my users forced to check their spelling... they all Suck! MUhahahahah... i'm creating a call center database, so spelling is REALLY BAD around here.

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