What do you do in your spare time?

My free time is taken up in various ways because I get bored easily.

1. Hobbyist writing - when the spirit moves me. So far, no buyers but I have 5 complete fantasy novels and 2 working sci-fi novels where I've reached a partial block. One is stopped dead because of a pacing issue. The other is that I know where I am and know where I want to go but have not yet figured out how to get there reasonably.

2. Various games in the Shooter/FRP category but NOT MMORPG. I like 1st-person shooters more than 3rd-person, with isometric-view-only as low on my list. I've tried a couple of 4X games, but they can easily get boring during the set-up stage.

3. Long walks (NLT 55 minutes) around the neighborhood for exercise when weather and other schedules permit.

4. When possible, romp with my 3-year-old grandson; this only occurs twice a week because the other days, he's either in a pre-K or with his mom and dad.

5. Whenever the wife is in the mood to go grocery shopping, I go with her just to stay in "domestic tranquility" mode. Gives us a greater sense of sharing responsibility. Not to mention that with her current post-surgery issues, she cannot carry the full bags into the house.

6. I'm hoping that once my walks have my legs back in shape after some knee issues, I'll be able to get back to tennis. (Which would then replace the long walks on those days when my old tennis gang is active.)

7. Forums online. Not as much as a couple of years ago, because I'm beginning to feel the same burnout noted in the AWF VIP thread regarding users who ask questions that make you wonder not only WHAT they were thinking but IF.

And an item that some folks would call free time but I don't treat it that way is that twice a week, my wife and I go out to dinner, away from the house and phone, cell phones turned off, to enjoy each other's company and catch up on the events of the last couple of days. Maybe we do other things like shopping afterwards, but that time at dinner is OURS and there is nothing FREE about it. We call it "date night" and try to not miss it or cut it short.
Before we were married, we did. Now, we live together and sleep in the same bed.

The only thing we toss for is who gets to choose the restaurant for the date.
My main physical recreational outlet is singing. We get together with friends and will try just about anything. Something beautiful when the room resonates in wideband harmony from half a dozen voices and a few guitars.

I read a lot of science online. There is so much great cutting edge work being done in so many disciplines. I am very interested in anything to do with life but I have a passion for Cosmology, Relativity and Quantum Mechanics.

I have also been working on my own model of reality for most of my life since I first encountered the conundrum about a finite universe. After considerably more than thirty years of contemplation my model now has answers covering the big questions in the field and grows stronger as new discoveries are made.

  • Wholly geometric solution
  • Simpler than the current version of String Theory
  • Single law governing the fundamental manifestation of energy that results in the structure of what I call the Omniverse.
  • The genesis of the Universe within that framework.
  • The appearance of a singularity as the progenitor of the Universe.
  • Structure of the Universe.
  • Acceleration of expansion. (This one got me really excited when it was discovered because it was consistent with my existing model.)
  • The appearance of Inflation to explain the homogeneity of the Universe.
  • Fundamental cause of Gravity and its connection with the speed of light and Einstein's famous energy/mass ratio.
  • Origin of the Strong Force and its short range.
  • The fundamental nature of Electromagnetism and the Weak force.
  • Presence, structure, relative proportions and distribution Normal and Dark matter. (When this one clicked I knew I was onto something. Scientists admit Dark Matter is a deep mystery.)
  • Why Dark and Normal matter only interact gravitationally.
  • The nature of a Black Hole. (One of my oldest questions with the answer only fully realised a few months ago.)
  • The fundamemental nature of antimatter.
  • The reason for the Electron/Proton mass ratio. (Realising this one really made me smile as current science does not have a satisfactory explanation.)
  • Why there are exactly four families of particles.
  • Why there are exactly three generations of particles.
  • The nature of neutrinos and their near zero mass.
  • Heisenberg Uncertainty
  • Quantisation
I am currently trying to have my model predict a value for something but vagaries in the manifestation of properties of the universe in my model make at hard to come up with a solid number for anything. All I have is an excellent qualatitive explanation for it all.

Incidentally you probably won't want to be here for the end of the Universe if I'm right. But then I guess that would apply no matter what happens at the end. An end is an end and nothing follows it.
I play ping pong. I go running and play soccer. I sit on my doorstep and chat with my neighbors. I like gardening and I like chickens. I like browsing the internet and thinking deep thoughts about economics and religion and current events... but then sometimes they seem silly the next day.
My free time is taken up in various ways because I get bored easily.

1. Hobbyist writing - when the spirit moves me. So far, no buyers but I have 5 complete fantasy novels and 2 working sci-fi novels where I've reached a partial block. One is stopped dead because of a pacing issue. The other is that I know where I am and know where I want to go but have not yet figured out how to get there reasonably.

2. Various games in the Shooter/FRP category but NOT MMORPG. I like 1st-person shooters more than 3rd-person, with isometric-view-only as low on my list. I've tried a couple of 4X games, but they can easily get boring during the set-up stage.

3. Long walks (NLT 55 minutes) around the neighborhood for exercise when weather and other schedules permit.

4. When possible, romp with my 3-year-old grandson; this only occurs twice a week because the other days, he's either in a pre-K or with his mom and dad.

5. Whenever the wife is in the mood to go grocery shopping, I go with her just to stay in "domestic tranquility" mode. Gives us a greater sense of sharing responsibility. Not to mention that with her current post-surgery issues, she cannot carry the full bags into the house.

6. I'm hoping that once my walks have my legs back in shape after some knee issues, I'll be able to get back to tennis. (Which would then replace the long walks on those days when my old tennis gang is active.)

7. Forums online. Not as much as a couple of years ago, because I'm beginning to feel the same burnout noted in the AWF VIP thread regarding users who ask questions that make you wonder not only WHAT they were thinking but IF.

And an item that some folks would call free time but I don't treat it that way is that twice a week, my wife and I go out to dinner, away from the house and phone, cell phones turned off, to enjoy each other's company and catch up on the events of the last couple of days. Maybe we do other things like shopping afterwards, but that time at dinner is OURS and there is nothing FREE about it. We call it "date night" and try to not miss it or cut it short.

You may well have just passed a death sentence to so many women who were all looking for the perfect man! Now we've found him, he's taken - drat!!! Lucky Doc_woman ;)
as in the title...

When I'm not practicing my spelling, changing the world (and very carefully putting it back exactly how I found it so lightning quick you'd miss it if you blinked :D) I now find myself drawn back to my artistic routes.

Current health issues prevent me from doing all the fun things I used to to - yoga; belly dancing; walking and the like, so I'm constrained to more delecate lady like pursuits of needle point :rolleyes:, drawing and painting. I like to dabble in writing poetry too.
I live in the country so it is hard to draw a line between what is considered work and what is considered a passtime. When I am not behind a keyboard then I am outside enjoying nature or being a farmer (which is also enjoying nature but more labour intensive).
I spend some of my spare time (what little I have of it) banging my head against my desk when I realize I posted a message in these forums and forgot to add the attachment. :mad:
What spare time?? Now I have retired I wonder how I managed to fit work in.
Reading Currently "Hyperspace" by Michio Kaku

Batting Cage

Ice Rink It's been a while though


Video games Though not so much lately

Gym I love to work out
I spend some of my spare time (what little I have of it) banging my head against my desk when I realize I posted a message in these forums and forgot to add the attachment. :mad:

If I remember I forgot, I just leave it to the experts to figure out what I want. they always come through for me. :p :p sound familiar anyone???
What SPARE time? A LONG time ago when my first child was born, I asked 'what was the best thing that I could do for her?' The reply was to get involved with whatever they were doing. I now have 2 in college and one headed there shortly. Currently, I am the organizational leader for a 4H group, a Girl Scout 'assistant' leader (males aren't supposed to lead), sew and pick out costumes for the school musical. I got bumped from coaching soccer, not sure if I will get back into it or not.

I am hoping to camp more this year, but otherwise I like to read and am part of a group that does Live Adventure Role-Playing - usually only once a summer. I normally sew part to most of my costume for it. I walk for exercise at least every other day.

LOL - I text my kids and some of my friends, too!
Spare time? Bwah hah hah hah!!!! :D I try to remember what that was...

Reading Currently "Hyperspace" by Michio Kaku

Is that any good?

Anyhoo, with 2 kids ages 5 and under, my spare time is pretty limited. Between work, dinner, bath time, etc. I don't have time to squeeze stuff in there that I want to do very often. However, I have recently started exercising again with my husband's support after a 6 year absence from it which coincided with my first pregnancy. My husband is now discovering why I haven't started back up sooner, as dinner is absent many nights. ;)
Spare time? Bwah hah hah hah!!!! :D I try to remember what that was...

My husband is now discovering why I haven't started back up sooner, as dinner is absent many nights. ;)

I thought that you youngsters shared such tasks, only old fogeys like me are spoiled and pampered by doting wives.

I thought that you youngsters shared such tasks, only old fogeys like me are spoiled and pampered by doting wives.


Ah yes, while my husband knows how to cook just as well as I do, he "prefers" not to most nights. I'm not sure what we're going to do yet now that I feel the same way. :)
A lady in the walking group I'll be out with tomorrow has an arrangement with her husband of alternate weeks, and the one whose cooking shops for the weeks food.

If we did that on my weeks we would live on Stir fries, bangers and mash and beans on toast. :D

A lady in the walking group I'll be out with tomorrow has an arrangement with her husband of alternate weeks, and the one whose cooking shops for the weeks food.

If we did that on my weeks we would live on Stir fries, bangers and mash and beans on toast. :D


Well, that's better than nothing! :D

A friend of mine was telling me that her sister and her husband had an agreement of alternating nights, but when it came to the nights that her husband was supposed to cook he always wanted to eat out. :D

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