SQl query similar to access last() function


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Today, 10:34
Nov 16, 2009
Pls help.

I am trying to find a way to get the code similar to last() function in access. I got a table recording prices of different items (autonumber, item name, item price) and need some thing to get the last price for each item.

All I can do now is to build a 2 steps:
1- Get Max autonumber for each item
2- Get Price @ the Max autonumber of step 1

Pls help.

I am trying to find a way to get the code similar to last() function in access. I got a table recording prices of different items (autonumber, item name, item price) and need some thing to get the last price for each item.

All I can do now is to build a 2 steps:
1- Get Max autonumber for each item
2- Get Price @ the Max autonumber of step 1


What last() function are your referring to?

This may also help:

Get Information Associated with the Most Recent Entry From a Table
Unfortunately, SQL doesn't have a last function. Your solution and the one HiTech posted are the best.

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