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  • Hi Arnelgp! You are king! Thanks again for the help!
    Your solution to my previous thread (checkboxes) will be implemented into this project soon :)
    Hi @arnelgp, I find your help for @Mercy Mercy here
    • Like
    Reactions: AccessBlaster
    Sorry, I don't have permission to write more than 420 characters, so I reduced my message to small parts, sorry If this bothers you.
    You should start a new thread. :(

    However look at the WHERE parameter of the OpenReport command.
    I will post a new thread, thank you for your attention.
    Dear arnelgp, warm wishes to you on the Christmas!
    I was lucky to have you help me 2 years ago.
    Now I posted the subject
    Hope you read this and give me a hand, thank sir.
    if you can "show" the supposed pdf to create (what info is in the pdf).
    also can you post a sample db with same table you want to create pdf, individually.
    Here my sample db, thank you for your attention.
    I mean I posted on the thread
    Hi sir arnelgp,

    I have tblStocks

    Table Entry
    ItemDescription-Boy Bawang

    Stock Form

    Stock ID - 0001
    Description - Boy Bawang In Stock - 20

    I want to Display the following

    Minimum Stocks (3 months)=
    Actuall Consumptions( 3 months) =
    Average Monthly Consumptions =

    Thank you so much sir for your support
    Hi arnelgp,
    How could I copy and paste all records from one table to another.? yesterday, you helped me with resetting HSE incident count. After I having it done, the orginal table need to updated. If I have to use update the records, what shall be the parameter? Alternatively, is there any way where I can copy all records and paste into original table, using a macro or query?
    @lhk You do realise these conversations are not private?
    Yes I agree, but this was specefic to arnelgp, because discussion was on his vba module. I did not want to get unnecessary involved every body.
    If it was specific to arnelgp, why send the same message to moke123 & myself?
    Notice that, until now, none of us responded here.
    Personally, I'd recommend using a private message AKA conversation instead
    Hi @ arnelgp,
    i have a query subject "excel vba vlookup multiple values" could you please reply a solution...
    Just post to the correct subsection, and allow others to help. Arnel will pick it up as will any others.
    Hi @arnelgp , thank you for helping me most of the times. I posted question, may be if you have time to help me out there..

    hi arnelgp

    still I need your help in my post

    please check ranking serial

    is not correct

    thanks for you help!
    I already given you two examples.
    you ask other people in the forum.
    I already done my part.
    • Like
    Reactions: hatmak
    thank u for reply
    when I filter data
    rank not change as filter
    look like

    number 4 should be 3

    do u understand me
    thank u again
    please try to change filter and see ranking
    hi..i want to design a message which appear from right to left at bottom of screen on opening then disappear from left to right on closing .i tried using inside height
    You can make changes to the [Maintenance Date] field once a month until the Departure Date does not change.
    This means it changes once a month.
    For example:
    - OutOfDate = 27/3/2021
    - Maintenance date = 27/4/2021
    Then 1 month Maintenance Day = 27/5/2021
    If OutOfDate = Current date will not change
    At stops: - MaintenanceDate = OutOfDate
    Thank you!
    Hi @arnelgp
    If you have time, I have posted a thread regarding "current active user". Please have a look.
    Many thanks
    Yesterday you provided the SQL
    select id, invoice, dcount("1", "yourTableName", "ID <= " & [ID]) As Sequence, Status from yourTableName Order By id Asc;
    I do not have an ID value. To simplify, assume a table of only invoice numbers with duplicates. How would I change your SQL to:
    1) get a sequential number for each record
    2) get a subset of sequential numbers by the invoice number
    You should ask this question in the forum thread where you are more likely to get a quick answer
    hello .. hope you are fine
    i need to make a list box field in an access table its value depends on the value of another list box >>
    Example a field2 is a list box its values appears depends on the value i chosen from field1 list box ,, so
    i made a table for field1 values and another table for values of each value in field1
    how could i control it
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