Recent content by ACCESS NEWB

  1. A

    Database is created now how to distribute it

    true but there shouldnt be any deleting, and user A should be 1 that fill certain tables with Data.User B should just be able to see all that.Generally I did plan to separate which tables are can be used by certain user. That probably still have some holes but what options do I have?
  2. A

    Database is created now how to distribute it

    HI all So I manage to create database and now have to figure out how to set it on few remote laptops.Those 2 laptops will not have internet access all the time,and are not on same network.Is there a way to send database updates via e-mail or similar? I read something about FE and BE, but could...
  3. A

    report from current data in form

    How to make my report shows recordset I just entered to form? I created query that have primarykey ofr criteria but i keep getting blank report ANY IDEA GOOD PEOPLE
  4. A

    1 Table From 2 Forms

    Because it will be entered later
  5. A

    adding more data to table from another form

    how do I do that?
  6. A

    form from query

    let me show you my db. In form ZADUZENJE i just want to enter returndate,that changes value of field dane to 0 which is criteria for query zaduzenje. So after i click add new record button i would like not to see that line i just enetered any more
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    form from query

    How can i refresh query from which i created form after clicking add new record button on that same form. (i want that certain lines of data go away from form once i entered some data to certain field)
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    adding more data to table from another form

    I need to enter data to same field from 2 different forms. How do I make 2nd form open already existing data in table instead creating new ones. OK my TABLE: ASSIGNID,EMPLOYEEID,ITEMID,OUTDATE,INDATE form 1 creates all but INDATE. In form 2 i just want to add INDATE to existing data. I tried...
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    i was missing ME in front thank you
  10. A


    Hi My problem is that i can't refresh combobox ITEM in form . I have add new record button at the end in which i add line combo12.requery but it doesnt refresh query in next data entry but 1 after that. Could anyone look at it and help me please
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    Problems with Form

    and here is DB
  12. A

    Problems with Form

    Would you be so kind to help me with my database. It suppose to do do sign in sign out equipment. I have assigning part sorted out but have problems with return form. I created form in a way i make it but only to work, hehe. What I did is added DANE field in tblINVENTORY which is my control...
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    1 Table From 2 Forms

    My mind just blocked and cant figure this out.Please help. How to make 2 forms feed 1 table. In my 1st form i create data and put it to table. Now how to get form2 to just add some field into existing data ,and not creating aditional ones. (My example TABLE...
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    OK Now if you can help me with following.I am trying to do query by form. frmPZ ,and qryPZ suppose to be that. In table ZADUZENJA are data that I am actually trying to look in from that query by form, who got which item and when and when he returned it. I would like to use 2 calendars in frmPZ...
  15. A

    show other field from linked tables or queries

    think i got it.What I was doing is taking itemid field in form wizard instead creating combobox in designview and assigning it to query field I want I go see if that really is solution Guess I had to articulate problem here in order to find solution
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