

Registered User.
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Today, 07:15
Feb 12, 2008
OK here is what I am trying to do.Database which should help me do equipment assignement.Some items will be taken ,then returned,then reasign to someone else etc.
I need to have history tracking aswell.
I would like to get some kind of system which will prevent assigning same item 2 different persons.Was thinking of adding some kind of yes/no triger in items table which would be switched whenever assign date is filled,and switched again when returndate is entered.Thats the idea but i dont know how to do that.
Also what would be best way to make report which would be something like form for signing (paper trail) of item assignement.

Any help is more then appreciated


Try to start a process and come back with specific questions...
Ok here is what I have done so far.
Now the final step,search by form.
I would like to create form which will have fields NAME,FROMdate, TOdate,ITEM
and depending on entered fields, 1 or all or some to get query that would corespond with selection.
What I dont know how to do is how to force query to take field value i entered in form treat like criteria
I don't see a form where you've tried to start this process. Can you tell me what I'm supposed to be looking for please?
sorry I've tried so many things in last 2 days that I am getting kinda lost what did I do and where on which version etc.
I figure out query by form but now have some other problems regarding form creating.
Not sure should I post it here or in forms?
I just asked you where to look in your database for the form you are trying to search on. If you've made changes, upload the newest version of your file and tell me what I'm looking for!
Now if you can help me with following.I am trying to do query by form.
frmPZ ,and qryPZ suppose to be that.
In table ZADUZENJA are data that I am actually trying to look in from that query by form, who got which item and when and when he returned it.
I would like to use 2 calendars in frmPZ as start and end date ,and all assignement from that period i would like to show in subform on that form.
I tried few time but never got what I wanted
thanks in advance


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