Recent content by c1201d

  1. C

    Question How to prevent end users from making changes?

    I'm creating a database program that contain forms to allow multiple users to enter, update data into table. I have two questions: 1) I put "Save", "Create" (using micro) buttons to allow users update, enter new record when clicked. But I noticed after entering the data, without click on the...
  2. C

    docmd and dLookUp

    I figured out. I did Open Form, then Close Form. that's why the new form never stayed in the window. so It appeared that Docome didn't work. Now I Close Form first, then Open Form. Now it did what I expected. close the login form and open the next form. Thanks again for your help.
  3. C

    docmd and dLookUp

    Thanks Bob. the DLookUp works now! do you know why my Docmd methods not doing anything? I was trying to close the login form and open another form after a successful login .
  4. C

    docmd and dLookUp

    I tried to use dlookup on my login form with a very simple 2 text fields UserName/PassWord table (Login). It has only 3 records (3 sets of user name and password) But dLookup keeps returning the password from the first record no matter what and which username I typed in (or uName values is)...
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