Recent content by GrahamB

  1. G


    Could you not just use an option group on the form at point of entry to allow for only one selection?
  2. G

    RunSQL - Syntax Error

    PDX is correct Date and Week are possibly creating your problems... If you must use them then you should surround them with [] so [Date] :D
  3. G

    Sequential Number

    Your soo going to kick yourself over this :D Test = DMax("[number]", "TABLE1", "number like '" & Ret & "*'") should be Test = DMax("[serial]", "TABLE1", "serial like '" & Ret & "*'") :D
  4. G

    Tab order (pushing tab on form jumps around)

    Goto design view and then goto View menu and choose Tab Order :D
  5. G

    Sequential Number

    Have you renamed any of the fields or the table its self? Otherwise I'd put my money on "number like ' should be "[number] like ' ???
  6. G

    Sequential Number

    Have you missed out the '+1' ??? I've done that before :rolleyes:
  7. G

    Internet synchronization w/out Replication Mngr.

    Mmmm I was very interested in this too but I too have been unable to find any solutions :(
  8. G

    Disable Yes/No Box

    SetWarnings option in Macros or VBA:D Note: Make sure you turn the warnings back on after you have run the query. So in a Macro SetWarnings (No) OpenQuery SetWarnings (Yes) Or in VBA DoCmd.SetWarnings False DoCmd.OpenQuery "Query Name" DoCmd.SetWarnings True
  9. G


    Agreed:D Try moving the tables one at a time to the other side so the table links into the left hand side. You should then see the "1" move to the other side and they won't be overlapping:D
  10. G

    Use Dynamic SQL in TransferSpreadsheet

    Try... Dim db As Database Dim rs As Recordset Set db = CurrentDb Dim mySql As String mySql = "Select mytable.* From myTable Where mytable.[id] = 4" db.CreateQueryDef "temp", mySql DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel97, "temp", "C:\My...
  11. G


    Its not a couple of relationships overlapping? Can you post a screenshot?
  12. G

    Normalization from Excel Spreadsheet

    You select distinct should work as long as you don't include a field that isn't duplicating in your query. Are you including the ID field as part of your distinct query?
  13. G

    Sequential Number

    Actually you can do it using DMAX :p next_number = "V " & Format(Date, "yyww dd ") & Format(IIf(IsNull(DMax("right([MyNumber],3)", "Table1", "left([Mynumber],9)=""V " & Format(Date, "yyww dd") & """")), 0, DMax("right([MyNumber],3)", "Table1", "left([Mynumber],9)=""V " & Format(Date, "yyww dd")...
  14. G

    prompt user for a field

    Yes but I gave him what he asked for ;) You can always use some error handling routine to check names... Also could have a popup form that has a combo box on it containing all the names of the search fields and get around it that way :D
  15. G

    prompt user for a field

    Try dim variablename as string variablename = inputbox("Enter fieldname") Form.Controls(variablename).SetFocus
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