Recent content by Jacob

  1. Jacob

    not enough memory

    ..... Many thanks for your detailed replay Doc. I running MS Access in Widows 10 on Parallels Desktop on Mac. I have allocated 8GB exclusively to Windows. With the navigation form running the Task Manger reports 3.3 GB free.. AS I said to Isladog above, the error message returned to one...
  2. Jacob

    not enough memory

    Thank you for your comment and the link to "available Connections utility" which I ran with (only) the navigation form open. The result is "456 available". Further to my previous post, the error reappeared but only in one place. when I click "OK" I can continue to work. As I access this area...
  3. Jacob

    Use the Now Function to get a date say one week in the future

    You don't need the DateAdd function, use: Me.txtNextContactDate = Date + 7
  4. Jacob

    not enough memory

    I started getting "There is not enough memory to update the display .. " error some months back after an update to Access and/or Windows 10 (sorry to be vague but I cannot be more precise. It appeared only on opening some of the 12 tabs of the main menu of the database, some which admitatly...
  5. Jacob

    Hello to all

    Thanks Sam, Seeing that I am now retired, I am not sure about ‘work’ but indeed I use several access applications that I had created for my personal use, some very elaborate, that I keep improve as I go. I ran all my personal accounting needs on a modular accounting system that I...
  6. Jacob

    Hello to all

    My name is Jacob and I live in Sydney, Australia. I have been with PC’s since the introduction of the first IBM PC and with Access since Access 97. I have no formal qualifications in computing and learnt all I know by the seats of my pants. I stumble upon this site a number of times looking...
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