not enough memory


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:31
Jan 10, 2003
I've been using this database for years and all of a sudden I am getting an error.
I have not made any changes to the database.

Here is the error.
"There isn't enough memory to perform this operation. Close unneeded programs and try the operation again. "

I believe I have narrowed it down to anywhere in the program that uses the docmd.OutputTo method

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptProductionOrder", acFormatPDF, strEmailpath & "Production\" & Left(Me.ActiveControl, 6) & " Production.pdf", False

This is a split database and only 1 pc is getting the error.

I have checked maxlocksperfile
memory usage for access is only 65mb
remove video card driver(tried again and then reinstalled newer version)
exported all forms and reports with savetotext and then re-imported them
removed and reinstalled adobe reader
tried deleting the registry key for vba and letting it rebuild itself
I don't see any recent windows updates since this problem started today.

Those are the suggestions I found online.

Windows 10 with all lasted updates.
Office 365
Nivida 1660 ti graphics card
32gb ram
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What is the version, bitness & build number that you have for Office365?
If only one PC is getting the error, then try downloading a fresh copy of the FE file. Also check if it had a non-Windows update. Ask your IT staff if they had anything done to the PC in question.
If only one PC is getting the error, then try downloading a fresh copy of the FE file. Also check if it had a non-Windows update. Ask your IT staff if they had anything done to the PC in question.
If only one PC is getting the error, then try downloading a fresh copy of the FE file. Also check if it had a non-Windows update. Ask your IT staff if they had anything done to the PC in question.
There wasn’t any updates. Windows or otherwise. I’ve already copied new front end. Also tried all the above mentioned.
OK, how often does this occur? If it is often enough for you to prepare for a test run, start Windows Task Manager before you start Access. Set WTM to the Performance screen. Find the Memory category and left-click that. Leave it running in the background. Start your test run. If you can do so, shrink the WTM to less than full screen and do the same for Access so that you can show the two tasks at the same time.

You will be looking for any of the memory resource levels to be depleted. The two charts would show you whether physical memory was depleted because the top chart, Memory Usage, would show color all the way to the top line. The second chart under it, Memory Composition, would have no white part. Everything would be in color or if there is ANY white part, it is far to the right and very thin.

Under the charts, there is an "In Use" value and next to it is "Available." If you have depleted memory physically, "Available" will be a very low number, 0 or 0.1 or 0.2, perhaps. In the row under that is a Committed display with a fraction. If the numerator and denominator of that fraction are nearly equal, you ran out of system swap space, also called Virtual Memory.

I'm actually betting that it is none of the above, but this is how you would detect that it was a physical resource limit. I believe you probably have depleted some other internal resource at the task level. Every now and then we get one of these. If it was virtual memory, that's easy. Just boost the amount of disk you allow to be used for system performance enhancement. If it is something else, that tends to be more elusive. You can search the forum or the web for "not enough memory". IF you search this forum, include the quotes around that search string.
OK, how often does this occur? If it is often enough for you to prepare for a test run, start Windows Task Manager before you start Access. Set WTM to the Performance screen. Find the Memory category and left-click that. Leave it running in the background. Start your test run. If you can do so, shrink the WTM to less than full screen and do the same for Access so that you can show the two tasks at the same time.

You will be looking for any of the memory resource levels to be depleted. The two charts would show you whether physical memory was depleted because the top chart, Memory Usage, would show color all the way to the top line. The second chart under it, Memory Composition, would have no white part. Everything would be in color or if there is ANY white part, it is far to the right and very thin.

Under the charts, there is an "In Use" value and next to it is "Available." If you have depleted memory physically, "Available" will be a very low number, 0 or 0.1 or 0.2, perhaps. In the row under that is a Committed display with a fraction. If the numerator and denominator of that fraction are nearly equal, you ran out of system swap space, also called Virtual Memory.

I'm actually betting that it is none of the above, but this is how you would detect that it was a physical resource limit. I believe you probably have depleted some other internal resource at the task level. Every now and then we get one of these. If it was virtual memory, that's easy. Just boost the amount of disk you allow to be used for system performance enhancement. If it is something else, that tends to be more elusive. You can search the forum or the web for "not enough memory". IF you search this forum, include the quotes around that search string.
I will check the additional items u suggested. I already monitored the memory and it stays around 65mb when I click on a button to create a pdf. I have multiple forms with these create pdf buttons and they all have this error since this morning. I have also Increased page file size from 9500 to 10500
When you create a PDF and you get the error, is it for the first "create PDF" action or a later one, and if "later", how many PDFs make it? A "memory leak" could do this sort of thing, in which internal PROCESS (not system) memory gets blown out by limitations.

EDIT: After this triggered a memory, I ran a search.

There appears to be some buggy PDF utilities related to memory usage.
I agree. That was why I asked about the 365 version info.
If it is the same issue as described in the article at, then a fix is on its way soon.
In the meantime, check the work-rounds as listed in the article
Awesome. Thank you all. I was only looking back a few days for updates. I was able to rollback the update and fix this issue for now.
Now I have to notify all workers to turn off automatic updates, until I can test the "open dummy report" mentioned in the link posted by cheekybuddha.
This sounds like the same error I mentioned in a different thread. We suspect it's caused by the fixes issued to correct the bugs in the 2305 update. We temporarily reverted to 2304.
Appears newest release a few days ago, its still an issue.
I started getting "There is not enough memory to update the display .. " error some months back after an update to Access and/or Windows 10 (sorry to be vague but I cannot be more precise. It appeared only on opening some of the 12 tabs of the main menu of the database, some which admitatly are quite heavy on memory use albeit there is plenty of free memory. For months I been looking for a a solution with no luck.

This morning, by a fluke, I went to File->Option->Current Database and disabled "Enable Monaco SQL Editor" and .... Bingo, problem solved.

Sorry, I don't have an explanation for it but I put it up as it may help at least some of you here

Monaco was released to the current channel in October. It had lots of bugs (mostly now fixed) but I can’t recall anyone reporting it causing memory issues. In any case I wouldn’t expect that to be an issue on a tabbed form

Perhaps worth changing to a navigation form as that uses less resources than a tab control.
You could also investigate my available connections utility to investigate what is happening behind the scenes.

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"There isn't enough memory to perform this operation. Close unneeded programs and try the operation again. "

Looking at this again, I don't think this is an Access message. This is a WINDOWS message. Access wouldn't tell you about "closing unneeded programs" because doing so would be unlikely to affect anything that Access does internally... but Windows would benefit by such closure. This might be due to your virtual memory file (a.k.a. swap file or page file) - controlled by a system "Advanced" control panel.

In Win11, find Start >> Settings >> System >> About >> Advanced System Settings >> Properties >> Performance >> Virtual Memory and uncheck the "Let Windows Manage..." - then increase the size of allocated virtual memory (if your disk isn't full). You use a similar but FAR shorter path for Win10, but it has been ages since I used it. Just look up "control Windows Virtual Memory" and you will see the path you need.

As a diagnostic tool, you can also call up Windows Task Manager, then switch views to Performance >> Memory and look at the memory usage on your system. For the Win11 version, there is a "Memory Composition" bar chart (just above the table of numeric statistics) that shows how much memory is available AND how it is being used. If you hover the mouse cursor over each segment in that chart, a "popup" will show you "In Use", "Modified", "StandBy", and "Free" - and you will see a brief explanation of each. The amount of memory in each category is shown in parentheses, units of MB. You know you are in trouble when the WTM "Free" memory part is the smallest segment of that displayed line. Or just look at the "Available" statistic on the top line of the table of numbers. When that is less than (approximately) half-a-gigabyte, you are approaching a spot where you can expect to have performance issues. If the number is in KB, you DEFINITELY are on the ragged edge of ruin.

Win10's version of WTM has this feature too. Using Task Manager won't fix the problem, but it might identify it better for you by showing you that your system's memory is clogged. Win7 WTM shows things in a different way but the categories are there, the most important of which is "Available."
Perhaps worth changing to a navigation form as that uses less resources than a tab control.
You could also investigate my available connections utility to investigate what is happening behind the scenes.

Thank you for your comment and the link to "available Connections utility" which I ran with (only) the navigation form open. The result is "456 available".

Further to my previous post, the error reappeared but only in one place. when I click "OK" I can continue to work. As I access this area once or twice a month only, I will get to it when I get some more time.

In Win11, find Start >> Settings >> System >> About >> Advanced System Settings >> Properties >> Performance >> Virtual Memory and uncheck the "Let Windows Manage..." - then increase the size of allocated virtual memory (if your disk isn't full). You use a similar but FAR shorter path for Win10, but it has been ages since I used it. Just look up "control Windows Virtual Memory" and you will see the path you need.
Win10's version of WTM has this feature too. Using Task Manager won't fix the problem, but it might identify it better for you by showing you that your system's memory is clogged. Win7 WTM shows things in a different way but the categories are there, the most important of which is "Available."

Many thanks for your detailed replay Doc.

I running MS Access in Widows 10 on Parallels Desktop on Mac. I have allocated 8GB exclusively to Windows. With the navigation form running the Task Manger reports 3.3 GB free..

AS I said to Isladog above, the error message returned to one place on the Navigation Form that I access once or twice a month when I click "OK" and continue to work thus I am in no harry to fix it (The database is for my use only).

Having 3.3 GB free seems like it would avoid memory problems if the problem is virtual memory size, but you are on a VIRTUAL Windows and there, I have limited experience.

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