Recent content by LisaO

  1. L

    Design View Shows Form Dosen't

    Ok let me try this then if it dosen't work I will get it to you. Again Thank you!!!
  2. L

    Design View Shows Form Dosen't

    It does open at the first record in the form and at this point there are no records entered into the weekly stats. I entered a sample of data in closed the db and then opened the form and it did not give me the error. I then deleted the sample data from the weeklyStatSubFrm and when I open up...
  3. L

    Design View Shows Form Dosen't

    One more thing! I have my form completed but when I first open it up it gives me this error box "The value you entered isn't valid for this field." I have checked all of the fields and the settings are correct. when it opens it automatically fills in the first Employee from my Employee...
  4. L

    Design View Shows Form Dosen't

    You are the Best! Thanks so much I am working on it and I think this is it!
  5. L

    Design View Shows Form Dosen't

    Yes! Yes! This is what I want to do! Exactly! Now how did you do it?
  6. L

    Design View Shows Form Dosen't

    Me Again I do have Access 97 and thank you so much for your help with this!
  7. L

    Design View Shows Form Dosen't

    Me Again I do have Access 97 and thank you so much for your help with this!
  8. L

    Design View Shows Form Dosen't

    Okay I have 3 tables Employee Table-(Emp IDprimarykey, LName FName) CategoryTable-(CategoryID-primarykey, CategoryName) WeeklyStatTable-(StatID-primarykey, EmpID-sameas EmpIDfrom Emp Table, CategoryID-Same as CatID from Category table...
  9. L

    Design View Shows Form Dosen't

    I created this form from the form Wizard. I open it up in design view and my fields are there and where they should be. I open up the form view and it is just a background with no Fields showing. It consists of a 2 tables and a Select Query. Any ideas?
  10. L

    Design View Shows Form Dosen't

    I created a form it shows up in design view but when I go to Form view nothing is there?? What is causing this and how do I fix it? Thank you, Lisa O
  11. L


    I am creating a database with 3 tables (*denotes Primary Key) Employee Table *Emp ID FName LName CategoryTable *Category ID Category Name Weekly Stats Table *EMPID *CategoryID PrevReport Received Resolved ONHand Oldest Date On Hand 2ndary Claims There are 5 different Category and each...
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