Design View Shows Form Dosen't


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Today, 13:43
Jan 30, 2003
I created a form it shows up in design view but when I go to Form view nothing is there?? What is causing this and how do I fix it?

Thank you,
Lisa O
Hmmm. Are you saying you look at the form in design view then immediately click the View button and the form is blank or are you opening the form from another form? If you are opening form another form is there data in the table/query the form is based on?

If your form is blank when you click the view button then try making another quick form using the Wizard and see of that one works....

I created this form from the form Wizard. I open it up in design view and my fields are there and where they should be. I open up the form view and it is just a background with no Fields showing. It consists of a 2 tables and a Select Query. Any ideas?
The Record Source of your form can only be a single table or a query made up of 2, possibly three tables or a combination of tables and queries. How many tables you can have in a query is discussed in Access help under Queries, troubleshooting.

If your form has a subform then that is a different story, but from your description I am assuming it is a single form without a subform. If you can give a few more details on what it is you want to do I will try and assist you....

Okay I have 3 tables

Employee Table-(Emp IDprimarykey, LName FName)

CategoryTable-(CategoryID-primarykey, CategoryName)

WeeklyStatTable-(StatID-primarykey, EmpID-sameas EmpIDfrom Emp Table, CategoryID-Same as CatID from Category table, StatDateEntered,#PreviousReport,#Received,#Resolved,#ONhand, OldestClaimONhand-date, #SecondaryClaims

I have 15 employees, and they are responsible for entering this information into their weekly status sheets. They each have up to 5different categories that they need to account for each week. I am trying to create a form that will pull up blank, enter the empId and it fills in their Name, then enter the CatID number and it fills in the category name. It is pretty much a data entry form that they will need to fill out each week.
I have attached a small Access2000 demo to see if this is what you are after. From the main form you can select an employee. In the subform you can select the Category by clicking the down arrow in the CatID field. At the moment the subform shows all records but you can set the Data Entry property to Yes if you only want a new record to show.

If you have Access97 let me know.

Let me know if this is what you trying to do...



Me Again

I do have Access 97 and thank you so much for your help with this!
Me Again

I do have Access 97 and thank you so much for your help with this!

Yes! This is what I want to do! Exactly! Now how did you do it?
I created the three tables and then I created a Datasheet form, using the Wizard, based on the stats table. when the Wizard was finished I changed the CatID field to a combo box and added the Cat table to that. Then I saved the form. Next I created the main form using the Wizard. I created the Find Employee combo using the Wizard and then using the Wizard again I added the subform. That, in a nutshell, is how I did it...

Take a look at this updated version of the demo. I forget to add the Relationships in the first demo and these are important.



You are the Best!

Thanks so much I am working on it and I think this is it!
You are welcome and continued success with your project....

One more thing!

I have my form completed but when I first open it up it gives me this error box

"The value you entered isn't valid for this field."

I have checked all of the fields and the settings are correct. when it opens it automatically fills in the first Employee from my Employee table. If I need to change it I go to the Combo box and choose another name. There are no entries in the form yet so I know that there is no wayward data. Once you get out of the error it appears to work ok. Why is this happening?

Do you have any code in the forms On Open or On Load events? At this point you should not need any code in the form and it should open at the first record that you have in the table regardless of how many records there are. If you cannot get it to go then let me know and we can work out a way for me to see what you doing....

It does open at the first record in the form and at this point there are no records entered into the weekly stats. I entered a sample of data in closed the db and then opened the form and it did not give me the error. I then deleted the sample data from the weeklyStatSubFrm and when I open up the form again it gives me the error but fills the main form top half with the 1st
Emp listed Num, Fname,LName combo box blank. How do I get it to open up to a blank form each time for data entry purposes?
To open the form to a new record every time set the forms Data Entry property to Yes. You will find this property under the Data tab for the forms property sheet.

I am not sure why you are getting this error. If you cannot sort it out you can zip your db and email it to me directly, if you like. To save time you can email me directly rather than going through this forum....

Ok let me try this then if it dosen't work I will get it to you. Again Thank you!!!

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