Recent content by Nymandus

  1. N

    Totaling a field based on True/False from another field

    Exactly!!! thank you...:)
  2. N

    Totaling a field based on True/False from another field

    My database is for service coupons that can be presented for multiple reasons and can have multiple coupons awarded on one. so it looks like CouponNumber CouponDate Approved (true/false) Associate PimssHelp (true/false) CustomerAdvocate (true/false) CustomerCompliment (true/false)...
  3. N

    Exporting truncating Memo Fields

    Does it only truncate upon export or does it happen when you just run the query?
  4. N

    trying to average my HMS

    I have my call length set to Hours Minute seconds that we data enter as 00:06:59 for six minutes 59 seconds in my report I would like to show the average of this for certain criteria but it returns an odd number =Avg([CallLength]) as 800.40 for example so I thought if I coudl tell it how to...
  5. N

    Creating a report to show errors by associate

    Grouping would be great....however I have over 20 categories and as far as I can tell you can only group a limited number(4 is a reports limit), so how would you suggest grouping 20+ :confused: or is it different if I do not use the wizard?
  6. N

    Creating a report to show errors by associate

    The subject line is simple the detail is not:eek: I am working on improving my database (the first one I created a year ago while teaching myself access) I fully expect the problem may be in my design, but I am hoping to overcome it. The database is to track and evaluate call center...
  7. N

    Expression builder help

    You rock... thank you. I was trying to put the [Accurate/Complete (30 pts)]<30 first... :banghead:
  8. N

    Expression builder help

    I need some logic help, I am trying to sum fields if a another field (Accurate/Complete (30 pts)) is less than 30 Right now it works to provide my total if the yes/no button for a certain field has been clicked. =Sum(IIf([Procedure Error],1,0)) now I want it to only total the numbers if...
  9. N

    Linking a report to a form

    Another question: I was able to use the second DoCmd line (the one for text) DoCmd.OpenForm "Incentive ReportF detail to test links", , , "Associate = '" & Me.Associate & "'" to bring up all data for a specific associate when I click on that field...problem I want to overcome is it brings up...
  10. N

    Linking a report to a form

    thank you, This was exactly what I was looking for... I do have a question though.... I used the top DoCmd line which allows me to click on the evaluation number and bring up my new form... Now I woudl like to see if I can set something like this up on a report that shows an associate and...
  11. N

    adding Term date or Active marker to employee table

    thank you, I was thinking the same thing...sleeping dogs my be better left that way...:cool: as this was my first database, I will adapt and my next database will be better... as we dont have a huge flow of employees we may have the rare occasion of the same name, in which case we will...
  12. N

    adding Term date or Active marker to employee table

    Ok, so we will continue this with OOPS...:banghead: I did set the Employee name to Primary Key. I can add an employee number at the time I work on adding the term date but now I need to know the pitfalls.. first on the term date. You mentioned having a related table of hire/term dates so...
  13. N

    adding Term date or Active marker to employee table

    I have an active database that is used to evaluate employee call performance. When building the database (my first full attempt) I did not include a way to sort out employees who are no longer active. I know I dont want to delete them. I have three thoughts to fix this but would like opinions...
  14. N

    Object Dependencies

    thank you, I made the copy and set up the dependencies...I was able to see what I needed. the copy was 1 meg larger than the original... for now I am keeping this copy in the backround for reference. If I continued to use it would that continue to get larger or does that just depend on the...
  15. N

    Object Dependencies

    I have a database where track changes is turned off. When I click Object Dependencies Access wants me to turn track changes on. I have no problem with this provided it does not cause any issues. My understanding was that track changes can increase your database design as well as slow it down...
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