Linking a report to a form


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 13:17
May 9, 2014
I'm new too the forum.
I am trying to set up a very simple database for enquiries we get in the office. So far i have 1 table called Pink Sheets that has Enquiry Number, Date, Details requested, Website/telephone enquiry, Property type, Name, Company Name, Address, Phone Number, etc on it.
Then i have made a form so we can add new enquiries electronically and then made 4 reports so we can see what enquiries we get by category.
Is it possible to link the record on the report to the form page?
I think so.
By doing that would it take me to the full entry on my form.
It should take you to a form filtered to that record.
Tried it this morning. Do i need to make a new form for the "Second Form Name"
Sorry, I said form meant report.
thank you,

This was exactly what I was looking for...

I do have a question though....
I used the top DoCmd line which allows me to click on the evaluation number and bring up my new form...
Now I woudl like to see if I can set something like this up on a report that shows an associate and the number of calls they had that meet certain criteria.
it would show total Accurate/Complete errors (pulled from a Query) as a number i.e. 10 errors.

can I use this or something similar to click on the (10) and get all the records that added to that total? How would that be worded?
Another question:

I was able to use the second DoCmd line (the one for text)
DoCmd.OpenForm "Incentive ReportF detail to test links", , , "Associate = '" & Me.Associate & "'"

to bring up all data for a specific associate when I click on that field...problem I want to overcome is it brings up all records not just the records for that associate within the original sort criteria.

this works fine when you are only pulling up by the evaluation number as that is a unique number however by name seems problematic for me
Can you post a db that exhibits the problem? May be easier to play with it.

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