Recent content by reglarh

  1. R

    Updating Excel spreadsheet from within the Access

    That works! I must read up on late binding. Thank you.
  2. R

    Updating Excel spreadsheet from within the Access

    No go! The word Cells is highlighted with the message 'Sub or function not defined' I have not tried to embed an Excel routine into Access before, but, as I said, just deleting the first row works and the modified spreadsheet is correctly saved. So I presume that the interfaces that allow...
  3. R

    Updating Excel spreadsheet from within the Access

    I have VBA code to create an Access database from three Excel spreadsheets. This has worked successfully for a good while. One of the Spreadsheets, obtained from an external source, contains a header row above the column headings and two comments rows at the end. The user sometimes forgets to...
  4. R

    Understanding Dcount

    I have a form that displays statistics on a table using Dcount, including looking at missing data. On a general point, why is the first parameter in the Dcount function required? Naming the table/query and the selection conditions is surely all that is needed? I have created a number of counts...
  5. R

    Problems getting report to recognise a line feed in text field

    I have imported Excel data into an Access table and the text fields come over as short text. One field contains chr(10) to separate two names. An Access report does not respond and the two names are concatenated. If I use MsgBox to display this field it displays correctly on two lines. The...
  6. R

    Problems with display of concatenated data in Access report sourced from Excel

    I am extracting data into Access from an external system where the data is presented in an Excel spreadsheet. One column holds a name in text format, but very occasionally there are two names (don't ask!). In the external spreadsheet the names appear as two lines but when used in an Access...
  7. R

    Create Access table from Excel spreadsheet

    I am sure this has been covered before but I cannot find exactly what I need, which is simply to create and populate an Access table from an Excel sheet i.e. using the field names from row 1 of the Excel sheet and the data from subsequent rows. I need this to run from within the Access environment.
  8. R

    Unwanted blank pages in report

    This is counter intuitive but works! Thanks
  9. R

    Unwanted blank pages in report

    I have a report that goes to a new page on change of at field in the input data, which is sorted on that field. This works, but each new section is precede by a blank page. I cannot understand why this happens! The settings I use are: Help appreciated!
  10. R

    Cannot save modified form

    I was very tired yesterday when I posted my problem after an eternity trying to resolve it, and confused two things! So, the problem cropped up when i tried to make a change in a form. The Excel data that I was using to populate a simple Access set of tables (exported from an existing...
  11. R

    Cannot save modified form

    I am using Access 2019 and made a modification to a form. The change was to modify an embedded macro that opened a second form. When I try to save it I get the message: Name conflicts with existing module, project or object library I cannot understand why!
  12. R

    Processing Excel data from within ACCESS VBA

    I need to populate three tables in an ACCESS database from data held in three Excel spreadsheets. However, each spreadsheet needs processing first, removing unwanted columns, renaming columns to used ACCESS field names etc. I would really like all this, including the actual import to be handled...
  13. R

    Help with Dcount!

    Thanks to all who those who have helped. I took the recommendations to remove the field and calculate it when needed. I hope I have found all the places where it is used!
  14. R

    Help with Dcount!

    Wow - that tells me! I accept all that has been said in the above replies. In my defence, when I am producing new forms and reports that require repeated use of a calculated field I store it for speed. Not good practice but I am now where I am. And yes, the saved value has been corrupted so...
  15. R

    Help with Dcount!

    I am trying a simple update task to count the number of records in linked table that belong to one record in a master table. The master table is of Members, the linked table, GroupMembers, is a list of groups that each member belongs to. A simple one to many join. I have tried the following...
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