Unwanted blank pages in report


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:46
Feb 10, 2014
I have a report that goes to a new page on change of at field in the input data, which is sorted on that field.

This works, but each new section is precede by a blank page.

I cannot understand why this happens! The settings I use are:

Screenshot 2021-12-15 110554.jpg

Help appreciated!
It might be better if you could post a sample copy of your db.
maybe change "Force New Page" to "Before Section".
also check the Page Limits (width) of your report.
make sure your textboxes does not go beyond this Limit.
Last edited:
Your "Force New Page" is set to "After Section" so the question is, where is the section on the previous page? You have a setting called "Keep Together" which is "Yes" and that could cause a fractional header to be moved to the top of the next page. Then the "After Section" would trigger the page feed, leaving you with only the group heading at the top. There is also the question of whether you have a page header or footer, either of which could contribute to the pagination.

Personally, I wouldn't choose to put a page break AFTER a header. BEFORE? Maybe. AFTER? No. I would do things BEFORE a header but AFTER a footer, if I were to be adding forced page feeds.
maybe change "Force New Page" to "Before Section".
also check the Page Limits (width) of your report.
make sure your textboxes does not go beyond this Limit.
This is counter intuitive but works!

This is counter intuitive but works!
Actually, it's not. Access knows if it is on the first page of a report and so knows to not insert an extra page at that point. Using the After Break, Access would have to be prescient to know that there is no data to follow since it hasn't read the next record yet and so doesn't know it is on the last record.

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