Recent content by Slap

  1. Slap

    The Lunatics are Now in Charge of the Asylum

    Wonderful credentials... I'm no labour fan but this is bull...
  2. Slap

    Mobile phones (Cell phones in US speak) and the 'Why don't you use the app?'

    @all you are missing/underplaying the Japanese culture. Mistakes are unacceptable historically so to accept a barcode scan is normal. If it's wrong then someone notices/confesses and the customer is compensated. Aside from your phone being snatched while unlocked (common in big cities in the...
  3. Slap

    The Lunatics are Now in Charge of the Asylum

    Absolutely right, fingers crossed for the rodeo ride we have coming!
  4. Slap

    Solved Form actions

    @Gasman @Pat Hartman @GaP42 Thank you all for your help. GaP42's solution has worked as expected and my form now works correctly having corrected the relationships in reverse :rolleyes: Thanks again, Tony
  5. Slap

    Solved Form actions

    OK, I swapped those around, but I have not had any success in stopping the 'add new record' behaviour other than to trigger an error saying records did not exist in the parent table, but still not working as expected. To recap I want to use a combo box for data entry and pull the related FK...
  6. Slap

    Solved Form actions

    Thanks Gasman, it was intentional that this form only allows data entry, I have a separate form for viewing/editing. Your new entry has spawned a new entry in the venues table (ID=5), likewise in the FishType, Photo and Angler tables, which is exactly what has been happening to me also. I...
  7. Slap

    Solved Form actions

    I have created a database (attached) in which I am having an issue. In essence there are 4 types of forms - Switchboard from which to launch actions - data maintenance (frmAddAngler, frmAddFishType, frmAddPhoto & frmAddVenues) - view data (frmViewCatches) - add catch data (frmAddCatch) I am...
  8. Slap

    Table Structure and Relantionships

    In warehousing you'll often see the term LPN (Licence Plate Number) which refers to a collection of goods stored together and intended to move together. In your instance there could be one or more per job/project. You'd relate the LPN to the physical location and also to the job and a list of...
  9. Slap

    Show Tables in query design not working

    Maybe try this in vba Call DoCmd.SelectObject(acTable, , True)
  10. Slap

    Show Tables in query design not working

    Show navigation bar
  11. Slap

    Running SQL statement from within a function called from a query

    Should you be storing this? How do you handle a new restaurant popping up nearer to the address? Shouldn't you just always run the query?
  12. Slap

    Solved Existing Back End Table Viewable As A Sharepoint List

    Have you considered using power query in an excel file linked to the table with an auto refresh on open? Host the excel file on sharepoint.
  13. Slap

    Solved Highlight Cells At Year Change

    Based on the OP last post this may not be solved, so here is my take: Sub groupShader() Dim shadeArray, currentShade, thisRow Dim criteriaCol As Double, startRow, endRow Dim dataArea 'below if only using alternate colouring 'shadeArray = Array(xlNone, 3) 'below for...
  14. Slap

    Convert data in Excel files and export

    If the column names, not positions, are constant then a recordset based on sheet1$ where you use a sql select could work. Then read that recordset set in line by line in a loop to your table.
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