Recent content by waseem0888

  1. W

    Text with Borders on Report

    Hi, I require multiple descriptions to print on a report and that or not limited is there any way to achieve this task from one text box to enter all descriptions in one text box line by line and it will print on the report with borders each line separately? instead, I create multiple textboxes...
  2. W

    ComboBox Values Filter

    Earlier I had a project selection list on the login form and then i had a user type column in the login table When the user login it checks the user type if its S (Site user) then it will disable the combo box on all my forms to not select the project instead only default project will come to...
  3. W

    ComboBox Values Filter

    @Gasman I am sorry about that Actually I have done it on my main app so I thought maybe it was not the proper way to do it so I deleted it to have professional help. I have attached the file the way I do it. But not understanding how to do it exactly to allow users to specific users in the...
  4. W

    ComboBox Values Filter

    Please someone help me to create this functionality I am not familiar with access and don't understand how to do it. I have attached the sample. I need a user login without selecting the project on the login form. the project combo box will be on the form where the user will have a limit to the...
  5. W

    ComboBox Values Filter

    Hi All, I have a login form with a username and password and then after that, there is one combo box to select the project which will give the user access to that project only and restrict the users not login to other projects and to all my forms project combo box is disabled I am using this...
  6. W

    Access Runtime Error

    @CJ_London For the working users, they are using the office 365 full version. Other users are using the 2013 license version but ms access is not available in their package so they were using access runtime 2013 earlier my charts were in old charts so it was working fine now I changed them to...
  7. W

    Access Runtime Error

    I have modern charts which is working fine on MS office full version users. But when open in access runtime 2013 the charts shows blank and when i try to select the date from the Combobox for charts it shows below error on after update event to chart requery. Private Sub cmbDate_AfterUpdate()...
  8. W

    Problem with Sum in Textbox on a form in Subform

    Hi, arnelgp thanks for the reply. Yes, you are right but i am getting a #error in the textbox and all the textboxes are winking. i have attached a sample DB can you please check.
  9. W

    Problem with Sum in Textbox on a form in Subform

    I have one form named Charts_Dashboard there i have the textbox name txtUnder_Review so in my textbox Control Source I was summing values from one of the query names qryDateRange with the following expression =DSum("[Under Review]","qryDateRange") It works fine. But now i have one parent form...
  10. W

    SQL Update Records Failed

    Please someone can check my code and correct where I am wrong it's giving me the below error Run-time error '3129'" Invalid SQL statement; expected 'DELETE', 'INSERT', 'PROCEDURE', 'SElECT', or 'UPDATE'. My Code Private Sub btnWIR_Save_Click() On Error GoTo Save_Click_Error Dim strSQLNew As...
  11. W

    SQL Update Records Failed

    Sir do you mean here in SQL server below is the result.
  12. W

    SQL Update Records Failed

    Sir do you mean query editor in Access or Sql server i have tried both i am able to update the record. i tried in access update query and record updated. In SQL server In Access UPDATE RFIA_Register SET RFIA_Register.[Current] = "No" WHERE (((RFIA_Register.ID)=9540));
  13. W

    SQL Update Records Failed

    Sir, i am using the Access 365 64bit version and SQL server 2019
  14. W

    SQL Update Records Failed

    I am updating the linked tables in Access from the SQL server backend. I have used SQL Server driver in to set up a data source in ODBC it gives an error so then I relink my tables in ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server. Both drivers have the same issue.
  15. W

    SQL Update Records Failed

    Hi, I have linked Access frontend to SQL server backend through ODBC DSN file my table is having primary key and I am able to update record directly into the table without any issue but when I am trying to update in VBA I am getting below message. Runtime error 3157: ODBC Update on a linked...
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