Problem with Sum in Textbox on a form in Subform


Local time
Today, 07:37
Jul 25, 2020
I have one form named Charts_Dashboard there i have the textbox name txtUnder_Review so in my textbox Control Source I was summing values from one of the query names qryDateRange with the following expression =DSum("[Under Review]","qryDateRange") It works fine. But now i have one parent form named frmMain and on that form, i have tab control and the page is named as P3 and then on that page, i have a subform named frmChart and in this form source Object i am using Charts_Dashboard and i don't know how to refer theses forms in my textbox on charts_dashboard to sum values from the query i tried many expressions but didn't work.

Second problem is on the same form, i am selecting date ranges via 2 text boxes through the below code so after attaching to the subform i have the same issue to refer to the parent forms.

Sub genrateReport()
Dim dateCriteria, dateRange As String
If IsNull(Me.txtStartDate) Or IsNull(Me.txtEndDate) Then
MsgBox "Please Enter Date Range...", vbiformation, "Date Range Required"
dateCriteria = "([Submitted_Date] >= #" & Me.txtStartDate & "# And [Submitted_Date] <= #" & Me.txtEndDate & "#)"
dateRange = "Select Submitted_Date form Charts_Dashboard"
DoCmd.ApplyFilter dateRange
End If
End Sub

now it's giving an error
Runtime Error: 2491 "The action or method is invalid because the form or report isn't bound to a table or query".
first question, the expression

=DSum("[Under Review]","qryDateRange")

will still work for your subform.

second, you need to specify the subform to "filter":

Sub genrateReport()
Dim dateCriteria, dateRange As String
If IsNull(Me.txtStartDate) Or IsNull(Me.txtEndDate) Then
MsgBox "Please Enter Date Range...", vbiformation, "Date Range Required"
dateCriteria = "([Submitted_Date] >= #" & Me.txtStartDate & "# And [Submitted_Date] <= #" & Me.txtEndDate & "#)"
dateRange = "Select Submitted_Date form Charts_Dashboard"
DoCmd.ApplyFilter , dateCriteria, "yourSubformName"
End If
End Sub
Hi, arnelgp thanks for the reply. Yes, you are right but i am getting a #error in the textbox and all the textboxes are winking.

i have attached a sample DB can you please check.


Hi, I want to conect two comobox to the wrong serch button. I want to choose two names after that date and then i'll check it out for it

Dim strQuery As String
Dim strWhere As String
Dim lngLen As Long
Const conJetDate = "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#"

strQuery = "qry_Inspections"

If Not IsNull(Me.cboWorker) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "([nawjory madaa] = """ & Me.cboWorker & """) AND "
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.txtFrom) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "([rekawtyhatnn] >= " & Format(Me.txtFrom, conJetDate) & ") AND "
End If

lngLen = Len(strWhere) - 5
If lngLen <= 0 Then
MsgBox "No criteria", vbInformation, "Nothing to do."
With Me.qry_Inspections_subform
Filter = ""
FilterOn = False
End With
roi = 8
strWhere = Left$(strWhere, lngLen)
Debug.Print strWhere
With Me.qry_Inspections_subform.Form
.Filter = strWhere
.FilterOn = True
End With
End If
End Sub

Private Sub namecp_AfterUpdate()
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "SELECT Table_info.i, tblManager.strManagerName " & _
"FROM tblManager " & _
"WHERE table_info.id__infoo= " & Me.namecp & _
" ORDER BY Table_infoo.nawycompanyy;"
Me.namecp.RowSource = strSQL
End Sub


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Hi, I want to conect two comobox to the wrong serch button. I want to choose two names after that date and then i'll check it out for it
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