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  1. G

    Cannot hide DB window with custom icon

    I found out it was probably a Service Pack issue. Thanx anyway, your code is great!
  2. G


    How can this be done in continous forms? If I have a control and want to set it to visible for some records and invisible for others, depending on a value in a field... is that possible?
  3. G

    Cannot hide DB window with custom icon

    In Access, Tools->Start... I uncheck the "Show Database Window" checkbox to hide the database window when the database opens. When I enter an icon to be used for the program, the hide DB window utility cease to work on Windows 2000, but not on Windows XP, e.g. the DB window is shown when...
  4. G

    New Feature: faster way to reply

    It's nice to see the other messages in the thread at the same time as writing an answer. I used to click back & forward all the times, or sometimes even write in notepad before clicking reply!
  5. G


    Can you use conditional formatting to alter visibility? I didn't know that. How? I can't find the visibility thing in the conditional formatting dialouge.
  6. G

    Showing Changes with Font Color

    You use the thefield_AfterUpdate() Event (was it?). This causes the red/yellow colors not to show up until the user leaves the field. In my original version, I used the _Change() event. But you didn't want the red/yellow to show up at new records, just changed. This is easiest done by changing...
  7. G

    How to display MEMO text in reports..

    You maybe can't group on a memo field, and it's logical that it cannot be done. Suppose you spell the name wrong in one record, then you'll suddenly have one more product without wanting it. Why do you want to group by product_name? What exactly does the table include? orders? stock? medical...
  8. G

    How do you get the combo box text to follow the mouse wheel? This might be of some interest.
  9. G

    How to display MEMO text in reports..

    You could try to base the report on a query instead of the table. You could then base the query on the table, like this: SELECT '' & product_name, * from thetable not that there is not a double-quote, but two single-quotes. I've no idea if this will work, just a suggestion you might try...
  10. G

    Showing Changes with Font Color

    You don't have to play around with any RePaint's. I've attached a db that do what you want. Have a nice day!
  11. G

    Showing Changes with Font Color

    Are multiple users going to use this form at the same time? If not, have a try with what you suggested yourself in your first post: make a new field in the table, let's say it's named "fc", make it boolean and set the standard to false. Then, in the form's On_Load Event, update the table to...
  12. G

    requery and return to the same record

    If it is not possible to have sub forms on forms in datasheet view, I don't really know what I've done. Anyway, it's some kind of view with forms that looks like sub forms. I've posted a picture on the forms. In the picture, there are 7 forms, as following: Form_th Form_1 Form_2 Form_3 Form_4...
  13. G

    non-English Access translates expressions

    I have the Swedish version of Access. When I write =expresions in the controlsource of control in a form/report, I cannot use the english function names as in VBA, but must use the swedish substitute for the name, which access then translates into english, but still view it as swedish in form...
  14. G

    requery and return to the same record

    OK, that makes sense. But since both my main form and my sub form is in datasheet view, no controls in the header/footer will be viewed, will they? Basically, when a record is inserted the subform, the query that is the recordsource of the main form has to be recalculated. And if possible...
  15. G

    Error #2046: The command or action 'OutputTo' isn't available now.

    I've had this problem long ago, but I don't remember exactly how I solved it. Maybe I can give you a hint of what I was playing with to get it work... Try to use the same code to export a report with no content except a label. If this works, you should check if it is any error in you report -...
  16. G

    requery and return to the same record

    Thank you! But how am I supposed to do, then? Both the sub form and the main forms's recordsource is queries that is sum()s grouped by another field. the SQL inserts new rows in the table, which will change the sum()s, but not the total count of records in either of the queries that the forms...
  17. G

    requery and return to the same record

    Thanks for the reply! As far as I can see it, I actually have to rerun the form's recordsource. the recordsource is a query (that includes sum()'s and group by and thereby is not updateable) that is based upon a table that is updated with a docmd.runsql from the sub form when a field is...
  18. G

    requery and return to the same record

    I have a form in spreadsheet view. Basically all I want is to update the information which is viewed, but Form.ReCalc doesn't requery the database. So I tried Form.Requery. But after doing Form.Requery, the first record of the form becomes the active record, and in some cases I have to scroll to...
  19. G

    Selecting record's column in subform

    Well, if you have a field in the sub form that is unique for each record, for example a primary key, this is simple. Let's say the name of that field is ID. Then you can from the main form use the expression subformcontrol.Form.ID.Value to determine the active record in the sub form. If you...
  20. G


    I use Microsoft Treeview Control 6.0 (SP6) in both Excel and Access. In Excel I can see the properties/methods in the VBA using Ctrl+J (or Ctrl+Space) but in Access I get the wrong list of methods/properties, e.g. properties is missing, and those viewed in the list doesn't exist. Why, and how...
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