How do you get the combo box text to follow the mouse wheel?


New member
Local time
Today, 13:29
Jun 1, 2005
I am a completely green when it comes to Access and MVB. I've surprised myself in creating the db and form.

My db is for troubleshooting outlet issues. I have a list of outlets and their various configurations. Users NEVER add or change any info. They select the outlet from a combo box and view the information. The problem is that you can move the wheel and change the outlet information being displayed but the combo box does not reflect the change; it continues to show the initially selected outlet name.

How do you get the combo box text to follow the mouse wheel?

I thought an easier solution would be to disable the mouse wheel, but in looking through this forum, apparently not.

I am using Access2000 on an XP machine. . .
Sounds like you are using a combobox to go to a record, if this is the case then the value displayed will remain at whatever was last selected. Personally I add a bit of code to the combo's OnClick even that resets the displayed value to blank at the end of the event,
me.cboName.value = ""
should work, just change cboName to whatever the name of your combo is.

On my system rolling the mouse wheel cycles through the form records, rather than the values in the combo box and I can't get it to scroll through the combo values. You could try calling the combo's OnClick event from the OnChange event, e.g:
Private Sub cboName_Change()

    Call cboName_AfterUpdate

End Sub

Thanks Tim. Unfortunately, this did not have the desired effect.

Tim L said:
On my system rolling the mouse wheel cycles through the form records, rather than the values in the combo box and I can't get it to scroll through the combo values.

Your quote above is exactly what I'd like to be able to do. . .
Err, which bit of my quote?

1) Scroll through records

2) Scroll items in combo box?

If you want 1) then check the form properties for Cycle, all records (although that had no effect on my system).

If you want 2) then have no idea about how to get Access to handle it although I have seen the effect in a web page I have never seen it on an Access form. That leads me to believe that perhaps the code required to detect the mouse is not available as standard in Access. There may be some mouse control settings (in control panel) which could detemine the effect wheel roll has in Access however I would be cautious if this is what you need to resolve the issue if you can't guarantee the system that the database will be used on.

Sorry - that would be #2 that I am needing a solution to.

I've searched the forum and came accross a handful of other posts about the same issue. I'm having a hard time with some of the coding - if I keep working at it I'm sure I'll get it (eventually).
Good luck and when you figure out how to do it, or find a link, post it here to close the thread down.

Cheers, Tim

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