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  1. S

    Report in general

    Good Morning Good People Can the report facility be made interactive so that its possible to scroll through the table by client or part number etc or is it to produce something that can be printed off?
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    Fat Controller

    Thank you, I would rather it stay usable mathematically.
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    Fat Controller

    Thank You for your kind words and support George.
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    Fat Controller

    thanks @The_Doc_Man Will that calculation go into SQL anywhere, and if so where? as part of select?
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    Fat Controller

    Good afternoon Good people, I am old and overweight with various age and weight related problems. I am trying to correlate my health with me weight. As my weight goes up I get foggy head and various other problems etc, MY weight is recorded in pounds, it fluctuates between 235 ad 250. My brain...
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    Solved DCOUNT

    @The_Doc_Man The database is already in existence, it has 50 tables with 20-25 fields in each table and100's of thousands of rows in each table. I cannot do anything about it really. I do not like the output that it generically spits out so I am trying to learn how to manipulate whats in there...
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    Solved Text Size

    I have changed the resoloution to 125% and black background and that has helped a bit
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    Solved Text Size

    Ha Ha, I have three monitors set up. two 20" and a 24" at top. I want the whole page bigger. Are there no accessibility options?
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    Solved Text Size

    How can I make the writing bigger on the screen? I can hardly see all the comma's and dots.
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    Solved DCOUNT

    Hi June7, I am new to access, I do not even know what is possible never mind how to do it. I have ordered 2016 access bible and 2010 programmers reference so I can try to get a handle on whats possible. At the minute I am trying to translate my thoughts into data, I have hundreds of questions...
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    Solved DCOUNT

    Thank you all so much, This little problem has been a fantastic learning experience for me. I think that I now understand the "group by" operator. My goodness, that is one powerful command. Formatting through the field properties sorted out the display issue. Apologies for being PITA but every...
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    Solved DCOUNT

    Thank you Gasman, that appears to be it. Whats causing it is recurring number on the decimal place. Is it possible to limit that to 2 decimal places?
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    Solved DCOUNT

    This worked out very simple in the end Select saleitem.sales, avg(sales.price) As AvgOfprice From Sales Group by saleitem.sales; far simpler than my thought process, I just wish I knew what does what. 67,000 rows took a matter of seconds. thank you all for you help and direction to relevant...
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    Solved DCOUNT

    Thank you @The_Doc_Man
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    Solved DCOUNT

    Thank you Tom, That is exactly the calculation that I need to perform. So its new query only or could I incorporate into the data in the same existing query? PS. is it safe to activate the Northwind demo? I am getting a security warning about VBA macros
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    Solved DCOUNT

    I will divide the total of the profit margin for each item, by the number of sales of the item to determine average profit per sale so that I can compare the resulting figure against all other items. I have managed to calculate the sum of the profit for each occurrence, just need to average it out
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    Solved DCOUNT

    Good Evening Good People, I need to go through a query table and count the number of times that an item has been sold and put the total in a new column. Can this be done in the same table or do I need to do a new query? I would like the figure in the same query if possible I forsee the the item...
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    Solved How to create a query that contains all dates?

    Hi, Would it be possible to scroll through this counter, perform a series of actions and then when complete scroll to next date and perform same actions again?
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    Tidy up Queries

    Happened on this by accident, but now I know how to do it. Data type is "Short Text"
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    Tidy up Queries

    Hopefully for you maybe. :) When I check properties it only states "source"
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