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  1. jdraw

    Audit Update of a Field

    Marshall, Do you have a reference set for Microsoft Scripting Runtime?? It is required to use FSO. That routine was looking at text files and also data macros that had been saved as text. You probably don't need all that logic. Data macros are associated with tables. When you save to text...
  2. jdraw

    Solved Managing DB Users

    See this video by Steve Bishop for ideas. For more info on the concepts google/bing "RBAC".
  3. jdraw


    Welcome to AWF, Barry!
  4. jdraw

    Hi and Thank you

    Welcome to AWF!
  5. jdraw

    Solved Closing specific folders using VBA

    See this M$oft link on FileSystemObject some sample usages here
  6. jdraw

    Table Structure and Normalization

    In #6 are these all wire or is flexible conduit also involved? What exactly does layer 1/2/3 represent? Do you "package" the item(s) to be delivered ( multi-wire/multi-product ) on a large spool? If so, is this the typical "item" sent to the customer. Please realize that most readers (me at...
  7. jdraw

    Table Structure and Normalization

    I agree with plog. I'd like to a see a description along the lines of " a day at the office" or " processing a typical request".
  8. jdraw

    Overlapping dates with some null data

    Please tell us more about the Null value issue. We need some specifics to understand the issue. Can you post a description with example? Even a copy of the database?
  9. jdraw


    Hi Steve. Welcome aboard AWF!
  10. jdraw

    Overlapping dates with some null data

    See this by PBaldy to ensure your logic is consistent.
  11. jdraw

    Audit Update of a Field

    Hi Marshall, Glad to hear things are progressing and that Notepad++ is helping. For your DDL, try this sort of pattern for names containing space. Works for me! I run this right in the immediate window. Currentproject.connection.execute "ALTER TABLE Employee ADD COLUMN [Extra Notes] TEXT(25);"
  12. jdraw

    Are you a Lefty or a Conservative

    Doc. Perhaps, proof that history does repeat! I am old enough to remember Myron -eh- Floren, as LW introduced him.
  13. jdraw

    Solved Scraping a table from Website

    Good stuff John. You should be in line for a raise or promotion! Glad Edgar was able to solve the issue. I'm sure it would be a great addition to Sample Databases or similar. I'd like to see it and I'm just a dabbler. Congrats Edgar(y) and John(y)
  14. jdraw

    Good Morning

    Hi Daniel. Welcome aboard AWF.
  15. jdraw

    NASA Study Indicates Antarctica is Gaining More Ice Than It's Losing -

    An interesting video on electric vehicles in recent Chicago cold snap.
  16. jdraw

    DAO DataUpdatable not Expected or Not Understanding

    Tom, Can you explain this apparent difference? Somehow you chose the TableDef and Field route -- why- just curious. MajP, This "but not the Fields collection of Index or TableDef objects " seems to indicate DataUpdatable can not/should not be used with TableDef???
  17. jdraw

    DAO DataUpdatable not Expected or Not Understanding

    I also adjusted Tom's code to use my table: tblTestAuto ' ---------------------------------------------------------------- ' Procedure Name: testUpdateable ' Purpose: Testing Updateable attribute MajP and Tom ' Procedure Kind: Sub ' Procedure Access: Public ' Author: Jack ' Date: 22-Jan-24 ' '...
  18. jdraw

    DAO DataUpdatable not Expected or Not Understanding

    MajP, I tried the following based on your code. Note the error returned. Public Sub TestAuto() 10 On Error GoTo TestAuto_Error Dim Rs As DAO.Recordset Dim fld As DAO.Field 20 Set Rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select AutoID from tblTestAuto") 30 Set...
  19. jdraw

    Introducing Myself

    Hello Sakala! Welcome to AWF.
  20. jdraw

    Hello to everyone!

    Welcome Carmine.
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