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    Solved Please help-subform multiple selects record and delete

    Private Sub Btn_Delete_Click() ''''''I had to recreate the form, also added a counter type field for tracking Dim I As Integer If LineNo = 0 Then MsgBox "No Record Selected !": Exit Sub If MsgBox("Confirm Delete " & LineNo & " Sizes ?", vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2 + vbYesNo, "Confirm Delete")...

    What am i doing wrong here?

    Private Sub Form_Current() ''''''''''' On Error Resume Next Dim name_subform, name_button Dim nomer_RGB As Long Dim nomer_subform As Long Dim NAME_TYPE As String ''''''''''' For nomer_subform = 1 To 6 name_subform = Replace("Position%1QrySubform", "%1", nomer_subform) name_button =...

    What am i doing wrong here?

    Private Sub Form_Current() Me!Position1QrySubform.Form!Type.SetFocus If Me!Position1QrySubform.Form!Type = "Foam" Then Me.Btn1.BackColor = RGB(255, 228, 181) ElseIf Me!Position1QrySubform.Form!Type = "Water" Then Me.Btn1.BackColor = RGB(255, 0, 0) ElseIf Me!Position1QrySubform.Form!Type =...

    Query problem

    SELECT IT.ΑΑ_ΧΡΕΩΣΗΣ, IT.[Transaction Item], IT.Quantity, IT.[Unit Cost], IT.[Created Date], IT.ΑΡΤΙΜΟΛΟΓΙΟΥ, IT.ΠΟΣΟΛΟΓΡΑΦΟΣ, IT.ΑΑ_ΠΙΣΤΩΣΗΣ, IT.[Transaction Type], Inventory.Supplier FROM Inventory INNER JOIN [Inventory Transactions] IT ON Inventory.ID = IT.[Transaction Item] WHERE...

    Display Message when not found

    didn't pay attention to the word number quote a quote for me is a long text sometimes ....

    Display Message when not found

    it seems that terminology and Google are not compatible enough for me, a quote is a long text from some book, a fragment of information for you is a link, a code to some primary source

    Display Message when not found

    the quote is usually quite a long line , it may need to be moved to additional lines - this does not agree with the list the second remark is that rarely anyone remembers the exact order of words in a quote, which will greatly reduce the chance of finding what is required if there are not 10-15...

    Display Message when not found

    the list is clearly not suitable for this search, it should also be a continuous form

    Display Message when not found

    At a minimum, I would filter by the fields that you know (including by a fragment of the value, in continuous form by the client companies phone time interval (for example, 2022 or the last 2-3 years or a long-ago interval before 2010) type of work .... And only then by the text of the...
  10. SHANEMAC51

    Filter form with 4 criteria.

    if you specify med12 in the search field, med1 will not be selected if you specify med1, then mad11 and med12 and med 13 will be selected next, a visual selection of the necessary sometimes you can vary with asterisks med1* all combinations starting with med1 *med1 all combinations that end...
  11. SHANEMAC51

    Filter form with 4 criteria.

    and of course I use the GO TO operator to simplify the web from IF .... END IF by going to the end of a loop or procedure
  12. SHANEMAC51

    Filter form with 4 criteria.

    my main rule of code formatting is that the string should be fully visible, so 1 - I rarely use the line continuation character (underscore) 2- I use minimum margins (no more than 1-3 2 spaces each) 3- I use the short names s1 and s2 as temporary working lines when forming a long line, so as...
  13. SHANEMAC51

    Filter form with 4 criteria.

    there are no nested IF ...END IF in this code, only 4 groups of 3 lines, and this is the modified code of the author of the topic I just fixed the errors, made the code work
  14. SHANEMAC51

    Filter form with 4 criteria.

    I prefer to separate blocks of text with empty lines - it's much clearer of course, I also use margins, but no more than 1-2, so that the line of code does not go beyond the boundaries of the screen
  15. SHANEMAC51

    Filter form with 4 criteria.

    filtering is more convenient to do in a continuous form 1 -green field - search terms by code 2-time - you can add a filter for other main fields 3- yellow -data is protected from unintentional damage red symbols in the first field - output to correct the selected record, you just need to CLICK...
  16. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Display issue with VBA code

    apparently the system font is damaged on this computer
  17. SHANEMAC51

    "Access has stopped working" due to vba routine taking too long

    the most problematic part of the code and incomprehensible 'The main loop per record Do While (Not Xl_qry.EOF) 'find Sharepoint "Long text" table index LngTxtIndexFnd = True With tblLngTxt .MoveLast Do While .AbsolutePosition > -1 If Xl_qry!ID = !ID Then Exit Do 'Record found If...
  18. SHANEMAC51

    Can we create a table in report which include two fields in column?

    Query TEMP00 SELECT w.Progress,"1 EstimatedPrice" as typ,column, nz(w.EstimatedPrice,0) AS sum1 FROM ProjectYearToIntQ AS w union all SELECT w.Progress,"2 ProjectCost", column,nz(w.ProjectCost,0) AS sum1 FROM ProjectYearToIntQ AS w UNION ALL SELECT w.Progress,"3...
  19. SHANEMAC51

    Can we create a table in report which include two fields in column?

    Progresstyptotal1234567 D-1 EstimatedPrice568151.61568151.61 D-2 ProjectCost00 D-3 EstimatedPrice-ProjectCost568151.61568151.61 E-:1 EstimatedPrice12818301281830 E-:2 ProjectCost942208.43942208.43 E-:3 EstimatedPrice-ProjectCost339621.57339621.57 F-1 EstimatedPrice91720209172020 F-2...
  20. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Form: Access, microsoft office viewer (source: arnelgp)

    maybe I don't understand something, but such a form name is hardly reasonable Forms![Form: Tab Page]![TabName]
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