Can you please post the complete SQL statement for your query? Also, are making sure the form is open when you run the query?II tryed but same problem
Try adding this little change...SELECT [Inventory Transactions].ΑΑ_ΧΡΕΩΣΗΣ, [Inventory Transactions].[Transaction Item], [Inventory Transactions].Quantity, [Inventory Transactions].[Unit Cost], [Inventory Transactions].[Created Date], [Inventory Transactions].ΑΡΤΙΜΟΛΟΓΙΟΥ, [Inventory Transactions].ΠΟΣΟΛΟΓΡΑΦΟΣ, [Inventory Transactions].ΑΑ_ΠΙΣΤΩΣΗΣ, [Inventory Transactions].[Transaction Type], Inventory.Supplier
FROM Inventory INNER JOIN [Inventory Transactions] ON Inventory.ID = [Inventory Transactions].[Transaction Item]
WHERE ((([Inventory Transactions].[Transaction Type])=1) AND (([Inventory Transactions].[Created Date])=[frmRptDialogSingle]![enddate]))
GROUP BY [Inventory Transactions].ΑΑ_ΧΡΕΩΣΗΣ, [Inventory Transactions].[Transaction Item], [Inventory Transactions].Quantity, [Inventory Transactions].[Unit Cost], [Inventory Transactions].[Created Date], [Inventory Transactions].ΑΡΤΙΜΟΛΟΓΙΟΥ, [Inventory Transactions].ΠΟΣΟΛΟΓΡΑΦΟΣ, [Inventory Transactions].ΑΑ_ΠΙΣΤΩΣΗΣ, [Inventory Transactions].[Transaction Type];
... AND (([Inventory Transactions].[Created Date])=CDate([frmRptDialogSingle]![enddate])))...
No error message?Im sorry do nothing.The same problem
Ah, that tells me you have time components in your data. Is that correct? If so, you'll have to either account for them or remove them.No error.Just show nothing.But if i make it <= its ok.But i want records in specific day.Im sorry for bad english
Did you see my post? Can you verify if you have time values with your dates?Only accept < =
У меня есть запрос, который принимает это:
SELECT IT.ΑΑ_ΧΡΕΩΣΗΣ, IT.[Transaction Item], IT.Quantity,
IT.[Unit Cost], IT.[Created Date], IT.ΑΡΤΙΜΟΛΟΓΙΟΥ,
FROM Inventory
INNER JOIN [Inventory Transactions] IT
ON Inventory.ID = IT.[Transaction Item]
WHERE (((IT.[Transaction Type])=1)
AND ((IT.[Created Date])= FORMAT([frmRptDialogSingle]![enddate],"\#MM\/DD\/YYYY\#)))
GROUP BY IT.ΑΑ_ΧΡΕΩΣΗΣ, IT.[Transaction Item], IT.Quantity,
IT.[Unit Cost], IT.[Created Date], IT.ΑΡΤΙΜΟΛΟΓΙΟΥ,
Are you getting an error? What is the error? Is the second option not returning the results you expect? I'm guessing that is the case. theDBguy already asked if you had time values in the date field and you never answered.I have a query that accept this:
<=[frmRptDialogSingle]![enddate] and not this:
=[frmRptDialogSingle]![enddate] in criteria