If your regional date format is different from MM/DD/YYYY - try this:
=DCount("Quoted","tblJobRefBook","[JobStatus] = 'Quoted' AND QuotedDate >=" & Format(Date()-30, "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#"))
In my opinion you should take the argument from current record of open Recordset - not from current record of subform.
... "' and endt_num =" & Rs!endt_num & ";"
What about the space character?
SELECT * FROM [YourTableName]
WHERE ([YourFieldName] Like "*[!A-Z,a-z,0-9]*");
With space character exception:
SELECT * FROM [YourTableName]
WHERE ([YourFieldName] Like "*[!A-Z,a-z, ,0-9]*");
This won't be a problem, since you can also use the function in your code.
Private Sub ObjectName_GotFocus()
FRMControlFocusInOut Me.Name, True 'Highlighting Control
' your code ...
End Sub
Private Sub ObjectName_LostFocus()
FRMControlFocusInOut Me.Name, False 'Highlighting Control...
Yes! - we do.
Step 01
Set BackColor (of selected fields) to #FFFDD1
Step 02
Set back style (of selected fields) = Transparent
... And "hocus pocus" is ready. :cool:
Good luck!
01. Setting the field back color (Light Yellow)
02. Making the field back style transparent
- Done!
When the field gots focus, it restores the background color