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  1. Eugene-LS


    Public Function GetDaysFromText(vValue) As Integer Const sDelimiter$ = "," Dim sArr$() sArr = Split(vValue & "", sDelimiter) GetDaysFromText = UBound(sArr) + 1 End Function Test: ?GetDaysFromText("Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr") 5
  2. Eugene-LS

    Save reports sent out

    'Saving a report to PDF Dim sPath$ sPath = "D:\temp\Report_01.pdf" DoCmd.OpenReport "DataTest", acViewPreview, , "RecIDAuto=1", acHidden DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "DataTest", acFormatPDF, sPath, False DoCmd.Close acReport, "DataTest" Or this way: Dim sReportName$...
  3. Eugene-LS

    Save reports sent out

    I'm sorry, I don't understand your question. What did you mean by "save it under their profile?"
  4. Eugene-LS

    Solved Copy data from listbox to subform

    No, unfortunately. Today I urgently need to fix reporting to the compulsory health insurance fund, not a lot of work, but it needs to be done.
  5. Eugene-LS

    Solved Copy data from listbox to subform

    It seems I found what's wrong. This is my mistake - as it turned out, you can not add records to the child table until the record is saved in the main one.
  6. Eugene-LS

    Solved Copy data from listbox to subform

    I can't get to that error. Please describe the exact order of your actions.
  7. Eugene-LS

    Solved Copy data from listbox to subform

    Hm ... Well.
  8. Eugene-LS

    Solved Copy data from listbox to subform

    Here you are! :giggle:
  9. Eugene-LS

    Export to excel converts to unicode chars

    Try to use CopyFromRecordset method.
  10. Eugene-LS

    Count number and multiply with field value

    try replacing the line: ... , Format(Sum([Nodes_UP].[UnitPrice]*Count([NodesList].[Nodes])),"Currency") AS Total ... to ... , Format(Count([UnitPrice])*Sum([Nodes]),"Currency") AS Total ... You have a round bracket in the wrong place.
  11. Eugene-LS

    DSum function

    textual arguments must be enclosed in quotes aa = DSum("IncTotal", "Income", "mmyy = '" & vmth & "' AND IncCA = & vt & " AND Incyy = 'vcy'") ... AND Incyy = 'vcy' ... :) Hint: The third argument of the Dsum() function (and similar ones) is constructed according to SQL WHERE rules Good luck!
  12. Eugene-LS

    Solved Sorting rows on a form

    ... of sorting field ... the sorting field event, not the form event Otherwise the cursor will be reset Together: Use "After Insert" form ivent and "After Update" of sort field ivent.
  13. Eugene-LS

    Solved Sorting rows on a form

    Post #7
  14. Eugene-LS

    Solved Sorting rows on a form

    That's is better way!
  15. Eugene-LS

    Solved Sorting rows on a form

    01. Set "Order By" your form propery as you wish 02. On "After Insert" ivent of form set code: Private Sub Form_AfterInsert() Me.Requery End Sub
  16. Eugene-LS

    How to put Check marks in query

  17. Eugene-LS

    How to remove border around the button after pressed.

    Another way: Use a Label control instead of a button, it also has an "On Click" event. Private Sub LabelTest_Click() MsgBox "There's no border around the Lable!", _ vbInformation, "Use a label instead of a button!" End Sub
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