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  1. smtazulislam

    Object Accessibility Permission based on User Roles

    I would like to redesign an Object Accessibility Permission system based on User Roles. My current design is complicated and difficult for some administrators to understand. I would appreciate your advice on simplifying and improving it. Object Name selection like The system involves mapping...
  2. smtazulislam

    Attendance by days name of week and correspond date/Month

    Hi, I have an Excel sheet for recording attendance, and I would like to replicate format in MS Access. However, I'm not sure how to proceed with creating it. Essentially, I want to be able to select the year and month, and then have the days of the week and corresponding dates automatically...
  3. smtazulislam

    Add field item data create left-side gap

    Hi, There have any ways to display multiple table Name (Table1, Table2, Table3) within there Field (Field1, Field2, Field3) in the combo box list, But Table name is readonly/Header, its can't select to insert. Table1 Field1 Table2 Field2 Table3 Field3 Private Sub...
  4. smtazulislam

    Solved Managing DB Users

    Hello, I've developed an HRM database where I aim to establish a comprehensive User Control and Permission System, delineating who can edit and who can only view data. Currently, I've implemented separate forms for each department, incorporating additional enable/disable functionality from a...
  5. smtazulislam

    UserName stamped in the report Footer

    Hi, any help will appreciate. I have multiple users. I would like to do, if user logon and open the report then his/her name is stamped in the report footer. I'm tried it many ways to resolve this problem. Here is show you.. I tried it by TempVars function in Open event. Private Sub...
  6. smtazulislam

    Solved Form Close Time not stamped

    Hi, appreciate any help. I tried is twice ways, however its not worked. Private Sub LogActivity(activity As String) Dim db As DAO.Database Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef Dim logOffTime As Variant Set db = CurrentDb() If activity = "Logoff" Then logOffTime = Now()...
  7. smtazulislam

    Append query added duplicate.

    Hi, any help will appreciate. I facing a little problem in append query make duplicate each hit in the button. My appending query Like: INSERT INTO tblTransactionWorkers ( EmployeeID, TransferDate, CompID, BranchID, BranchTypeID, WorkCategoryID, LeaveDate, Status ) SELECT...
  8. smtazulislam

    How to make Job Order Request

    Good Morning ! I would like to create a Job order Form and Job Order history Searcher. Example : This order from Operation Manager Operation department request a Job Order Like : OrderDate OrderUserName DepartmentName EmployeeID EmployeeName Country CompanyName City Category TransDate...
  9. smtazulislam

    What's the good way to use .acce file

    Good Morning ! I would like to using my .acce file more then 5 computers. What's the good ways to use this file? This app have 5 users, like - Admin - HR Manager - HR Supervisor - Recruitment Supervisor - HR Secretary
  10. smtazulislam

    How to create gradient bar in the textbox on the form

    I have a form where have textbox "[Incident Count]". if incident Count = 0 then GREEN and if it is increasing then colur will be increase then if incident count = 10 then RED if tried to conditional format. [Incident Count] > 0 And [Incident Count] <= 10 It is worked. as GREEN and RED I want...
  11. smtazulislam

    Solved Average Date Setting

    We have 1297+ foreigner workers who is work with us as work resident permit (WRP) . We called this resident permit card "IQAMA". Iqama have valid date and it is can renew by 3 Months / 6 Months / 9 month and 12 month (1yr) upto 3 yrs . We facing a problem that some month we have 250+ Iqama's...
  12. smtazulislam

    Insert a table data to another table.

    Hello everyone ! I have a table "tblEmployee". it is INNER JOIN with table "tblContracts" by EmployeeID. I would like when I enter the employmentDATE then it insert date into the table tblContracts in DATEFROM field. also appending this same EmployeeID within others 4 fields LIKE ...
  13. smtazulislam

    Solved Expression Not Work

    Here I using the module of Original Developer: Michael Walsh Calling: Call from Control Source of Text Box Func : =IIf([BirthDate] Is Null,"",CalcAge([Birthdate],Date())) It is work good. But problem is when employee is left then it is not calculated DateLeft IIf([EmploymentDate] Is...
  14. smtazulislam

    Solved Upload the Path Auto from the TABLE path

    I have 1675 records in my table of tblEMPLOYEEs. Every single items like Image, Passport, Contract etc. is separated folder and In the folder have two kinds of file type is like Image, pdf. I need a function call in my every(Where needed) textbox in Datasource filed like 'For Employee Image...
  15. smtazulislam

    How to create Folder exist from TABLE and Syncing in Data Form

    Hello, Peace be upon you. Here I found many create Folder sample. but unfortunately not exist with my required. I have fixed location in my PC. I would like to create Subfolder under the fixed Locations Folder in the table (tblDBMainLocation). Folder name should taken from TABLE .. Yellow mark...
  16. smtazulislam

    Solved Comma to count Quantity and Separate Insert in the Report

    Hello, peace be upon your I have a textbox [short text] in continuous form where I added data like FacilityID Date Code Items Received Quantity Total Quantity Items Quality Items Status 1 01/11/2022 2022110001 Laptop, Mobile Set, TV, 1 ????? Used Current 2 12/12/2022 2022120024...
  17. smtazulislam

    Solved Unbound Combo box need multiple value

    Hi, I have a searcher form. It is worked. But now like to put multiple value to search. CODE : Private Sub cmdFilter_Click() Dim strWhere As String Dim lngLen As Long If Not IsNull(Me.fltCompanyName) Then strWhere = strWhere & "([CompanyName] = """ &...
  18. smtazulislam

    WhatsApp Not stayed in same TAB

    Hi, I using the google chrome browser. I would like to do if I click to whatsApp button then It is open chrome browser directly where I already opened a TAB. But I facing every click open new tab in chrome browser. Also If I using the Gchrome as Object then get error. How do I fix it. Noted...
  19. smtazulislam

    Solved Error 2465

    Hi, I worked in this dB 1 years up nothing error. Today I facing this error... Private Sub cmdInsertData_Click() If CurrentProject.AllForms("frmEmployeeEdit").IsLoaded Then Forms("frmEmployeeEdit").Form!sfrmFacilitiesEdit.Form.Items = Me.Text2 DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name End If End Sub...
  20. smtazulislam

    ID Value to Replace

    I have Text Box that name is PageNo(FK) tblPages : PGID(PK), PAGENO(TEXT), PAGEREF(TEXT). Value Like: 1 - Page- 1, PG1 I would like to do something like, If I enter the VALUE "1" in the textbox then Move curser to display same textbox "Page- 1" Or "PG1" Any help will be appreciate...
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