Search results

  1. arnelgp

    1D Barcode Generator (UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN 8, EAN 13, UPC/EAN EXT, CODE 128, CODE 39, CODE 93, CODABAR, ITF)

    The library can be found here: QR Code generator (image) using Zxing (Zebra Crossing) library | Access World Forums ( You must be knowledgeable of the various coding system (check and google the Wiki of these barcodes and how to construct them). Don't be surprise if no...
  2. arnelgp

    Code 128 generator (image) using Zxing (Zebra Crossing) library

    as the title suggests, there is a form (128_demo) inside the db that you can generage Code-128 barcode using zxing library found in Github. the library is the same here: (3) QR Code generator (image) using Zxing (Zebra Crossing) library | Access World Forums ( that i did...
  3. arnelgp

    Another Searchable Listbox (Bound or Unbound)

    It does not change the recordset (of bound listbox), but just search the list. Maybe somebody will find use to this.
  4. arnelgp

    Colorful QR Code generator.

    The same Excel QR Code generator found somewhere here. This time, you can create a colorful QR image instead of the usual Black on White image. It was written in A2021 and references Excel XX.X object library. There is not much documentation on the code, but I think you can follow the logic...
  5. arnelgp

    Another simple Appointment Calendar

    the demo is for simple appointment calendar only no attempt was made to validate for overlapping schedule nor duplicate schedule. there is also simple Auto-resize Control code used on this demo, with the original found in here...
  6. arnelgp

    Using Transaction on single table

    the db can also be found here: Generic Form with "Save", "Cancel" buttons | Page 2 | Access World Forums ( (post #34). you can delete, edit as many records you want. to revert what you have done just press the Cancel button. to permanently save your work, press the Save...
  7. arnelgp

    Json file to Access table/tables

    Totally free sample for you. The idea come from this thread: How to encode some field from Json string into the related tables in MS Access | Access World Forums ( The main workhorse is the Attached excel file (I think came from and some code I added to...
  8. arnelgp

    Pattern Lock (like in cellphones)

    pure VBA code to mimic Pattern Lock in smartphones. the idea came from this thread: Pattern Lock | Access World Forums ( (same sample as the attached). need some polishing of the code and the UI.
  9. arnelgp

    Solved Dealing with Date/Time Extended in Query

    Using the Date/Time Extended field type give many sorts of problem. You can however create a Query and including field with Data/Time extended on it. But if you try it in an expression, say you want to Dlookup("DateTimeExtField", "YourTable"), or if you have created a query with DTE field in it...
  10. arnelgp

    Move/Resize(Width) Column of Continuous Form

    this is somewhat similar of the same demo here, but with full code that you can inspect (not an .accde). there may be some errors or unwanted behavior, since this is the initial upload. if you see any errors or unwanted behaviour, you try to fix them. there is no documentation on the code at the...
  11. arnelgp

    Connecting Line on Labels (possible to any control that has mouse events)

    this is in response to this thread: (2) How to get sticky lines like in Relationship View? | Access World Forums ( i also put the demo there for everyone to benefit.
  12. arnelgp

    Another Resizable Listbox columns

    Only visible columns can be resized. just got interested on this thread: Resizeable column width in listbox in access | Access World Forums (
  13. arnelgp

    Yet another Time Picker (analog and digital display)

    just another flavor of time picker you can choose. the Analog Clock or digital Clock can be re-used as a regular Clock by adding a Timer Event on TimePicker form.
  14. arnelgp

    Copy, Move, Rename, Delete file(s) with progress bar

    ' ' modified by arnelgp for x64 use ' #If VBA7 Then Private Declare PtrSafe Function SHFileOperation Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "SHFileOperationA" (lpFileOp As SHFILEOPSTRUCT) As Long #Else Private Declare...
  15. arnelgp

    Custom Toggle button

    double posted here: Modern Controls On OFF Switch | Access World Forums (
  16. arnelgp

    Have you noticed recent change?

    I am using A2021. Now when you have Yes/No field and you view the table in Datasheet view (also in form Datasheet). When you resize the Height or each Row (or Width of the Yes/No field), the Checkbox also increase it's size? i don't know if this is good or bad to others but for me, it look not...
  17. arnelgp

    readiness tool

    is this tool useful?
  18. arnelgp

    Resizeable and Movable Textbox

    same intent as with this title. make sure the Textbox is "loose" (On design view->Arrange->Remove Layout). if there is bug, report to me and i will try to fix it.
  19. arnelgp

    Mountain Duck

    I've got a chance to use Mountain Duck as a test. I mapped my dropbox to Z: drive. I created a accdb with 1 million records, then split it and save the BE to my dropbox (drive Z:: I don't know if there are any problem in the future, but to my test it works. I can access all 1 million records...
  20. arnelgp

    Sortable HTML table

    the discussion can be found here: Sorting a HTML column | Access World Forums ( I have found a good sorting javascript, but unfortunately when I try to embed the "whole" javascript to the html, it does not work? The javascript comes from here: sorttable: Make all your...
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