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  1. T

    Export Query to Excel 2010 Per unique field

    Sorry about that. I see i said separate worksheets and not workbooks.
  2. T

    Export Query to Excel 2010 Per unique field

    Definitely separate workbooks so that each brokerage receives a separate workbook.
  3. T

    Export Query to Excel 2010 Per unique field

    Thanks. I understand now. Does not seem as simple as when exporting a report to pdf which I have got working 100%
  4. T

    Export Query to Excel 2010 Per unique field

    I cannot seem to find an example if how to export using a unique field so that during the export each "brokerage" receives their own workbook named after their brokerage. Or am I blind😃
  5. T

    Export Query to Excel 2010 Per unique field

    Cool. Thanks pal. will do some reading and testing. Thanks
  6. T

    Export Query to Excel 2010 Per unique field

    Hi Thanks for the ideas and here is the current situation: The file is exported successfully however just a few hiccups: Firstly the query only exported 1 excel file to the folder where there should be about 40 different files as I wanted a separate workbook for each "Brokerage" which it...
  7. T

    Export Query to Excel 2010 Per unique field

    Thanks VBAinet. I will try this today and let you know
  8. T

    Export Query to Excel 2010 Per unique field

    HiI have a query which I would like to export to excel 2010 and would like separate files saved using a unique field called [Brokerage]. The code below exports the query however does not export separate worksheets as I am missing something perhaps the OutputTo function.Any help would be greatly...
  9. T

    Do.cmd OutputTo Error 2501

    Ok. The error didn't occur but then I saw that the report generation stopped when the next Broker Consultant is called "HQ/WC" then I remembered you mentioned special characters. I excluded "HQ/WC" from the query and then the report exported in full after that. Thanks very much for all your...
  10. T

    Do.cmd OutputTo Error 2501

    I checked the characters and besides the - in the file name there are no other special characters. The - in the other report that works does work perfectly like that. What I did now was to change the unique filed from "Region" to Broker Consultant" and it works and saves perfectly. The only...
  11. T

    Do.cmd OutputTo Error 2501

    Great. Here is the code that is working on another report of mine Private Sub AutoCommSummary_Click() Dim db As DAO.Database Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim MyFileName As String Dim temp As String Dim mypath As String mypath = "C:\Users\Richard\Desktop\1Life Broker...
  12. T

    Do.cmd OutputTo Error 2501

    I looked now and not sure if the following will have anything to do with the error. The Main report is called "Regional Production Stats" and in the main report I have a subreport called "Regional Production Stats Subreport" Would the subreport be causing the issue as they both obtain their...
  13. T

    Do.cmd OutputTo Error 2501

    Thanks. I inserted the \ but no difference. I use the same Path format for my other reports which work perfectly
  14. T

    Do.cmd OutputTo Error 2501

    Thanks for the reply. I inserted the report name as below but still get the error "OutputTo action was canceled" error 2501 DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "Regional Production Stats", acFormatPDF, mypath & MyFileName Can you perhaps see what else might be incorrect with the code Thanks...
  15. T

    Do.cmd OutputTo Error 2501

    Hi Newbie here. I keep getting the 2501 error and cannot seem to find the error. When a click the button the report I need does open. I am not sure whether the fact I have a subreport built into the main report affects the below code or does the subreport also have to be in the code Please...
  16. T

    Question Reports not formatting after Access installed on new laptop. Please Help

    Thanks for the feedback guys. I had not yet installed my printer so going to try that first.
  17. T

    Question Reports not formatting after Access installed on new laptop. Please Help

    Morning, I recently purchased a new laptop. My new and previous laptops are both 64 bit and installed MA 2010 on both of the computers running win 8. When I run reports on my new laptop the reports are not formatting. They are reflecting on 4 pages and not on 1 page like on my previous...
  18. T

    Refresh combo box data

    Worked like a charm. Thanks very much pal:)
  19. T

    Refresh combo box data

    Where will I place this code, in which field or will it be in the form properties in the afterupdate or which event.
  20. T

    Refresh combo box data

    Will give this a try. Thanks for the quick feedback
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