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  1. O

    Combobox with OLE Picture

    Ok, found it,this wasn't a difficult one. Have a nice weekend!
  2. O

    Combobox with OLE Picture

    Hi Simon, Many thanks! (you don't have to give your apologies, it's nice to hear from you) I will study your solution, probably whole weekend, to understand it. Again, many thanks, Otto
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    Split Database

    Hi, My access database is getting slow because of the too many heavy reports. I received some tips like put your lettertype to arial instead of calibri, but I don't won't to change the layout. So, I thought why not work with one menu screen and link the splited access files. Which are all...
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    Combobox with OLE Picture

    Hi Simon, Glad to hear from you. Regarding your question, a report with the signature in the report footer based on the combobox selection, if you will. Many thanks in advance, Otto (I've been thinking on the test file some days now and how you did this, and I'm beginning to understand the logic...
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    Combobox with OLE Picture

    Hi Simon, I see that you are answering questions about pictures in forms and reports some few years. Would it be possible to do just one final effort for me? The file you sended me, I'm going to apply that same logic. But I couldn't figure out how I can create a report based on the combobox...
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    Combobox with OLE Picture

    Found a (Solution). Based on my file "combobox with OLE Pictures (2)". I pasted that code in a Report as an event on load. When a button is pressed for printing it triggers a report, the Inspectors who made the inspection, will see his Signature appear in the report. Regards, Otto
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    Combobox with OLE Picture

    Ok, no problem. But If you never worked with this OLE method, maybe you have worked with a SharePoint list? If you did, would you have an idea how to pull the pictures from a SharePoint list when an item in the combobox is selected? Regards, Otto
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    Combobox with OLE Picture

    Hi Simon, I have made a small, but not complete, example were the OLE pictures are in the database itself. But I find this solution not good because I have about 43 reports and 43 forms, via this way I have to copy and paste the code 43 times for each and also for the pictures. That's why I want...
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    Combobox with OLE Picture

    Hi Simon, thank you for your effort. But I want to avoid to store the pictures or signatures on a local drive or network drive. That's why I'm thinking to put those in the database itself. The reason for this is the database will be distributed to different people. They will have to download the...
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    Combobox with OLE Picture

    Hi Simone, Would you be so kind to fill out this small file in attachment? Because I didn't understood your reply. I didn't put any code in it. Many thanks in advance. Otto
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    Combobox with OLE Picture

    Hi, I've been searching several days on finding a solution for this. I used many codes but non seem to work. Would any body be so kind to connect my combobox list with the OLE Pictures in the file in attachement? (I know this isn't recommended but I only want to apply 5 small pictures) Many...
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    Slow printing in Access 2010

    Hi Sir, I paste the code in each report but didn't notice much changements. By the way, thank you for informing me concerning someone messing with the avalailable data. I have another issue, would you be so kind to see the problem I'm fasing? (And this concerning the PDF output) Would you...
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    Slow printing in Access 2010

    Hi Sir, Many thanks for your reply, I will implement that command. It is like you suggested, these reports don't need to be opened first. Hopefully this will have some effect. But like you experienced the two first reports go pretty good. It is when you print out several reports, then you will...
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    Combobox with OLE Picture

    Hi, I'm searching several hours on this and I'm getting desperate. I understand that their are several ways to work with pictures and comboboxes. Working with an OLE Picture is not prefered. But I only need to add 5 little signatures. Previous attempts, like trying to connect with my...
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    Slow printing in Access 2010

    I read a lot of stuff how to avoid getting a slow database but it seems the only solution will be spliting the database into several parts. To avoid having a wrong judgement I zipped the file and placed it in attachment for those who can point me my mistakes in creating this access file...
  16. O

    Slow printing in Access 2010

    Hi, My colleagues complain about an Access file I've made and more about the slow printing. The file has a size of 11Mb and has 43 reports and 43 forms. When you print a report the report is immediately converted into pdf. And this takes about 1minute. Would anybody have an idea how I can make...
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