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  1. L

    Help! My Access Database is too big

    I have been developing an Access database for an assignment, and i just uploaded it and it was 6.8M.. I made a few changes such as added a security password and made the opening form look nicer by taking out all the scrolling bars and everything. I just uploaded this newer version now and...
  2. L

    Total Hours Calculations

    Error message The total hours went fine, thanks for the help. However, I got the message "Cannot Join on Memo, OLE or Hyperlink Object ([Award Table].Classification=[Employee Table].Classification). Where have I gone wrong?
  3. L

    Sorting by multiple categories

    I have a list of employees that I would like to sort by state, and then those within each state, in alphabetical order. However, when I sort the state and then go to sort the last names, the states rearrage themselves. It has to be a query. Any help much appreciated.
  4. L

    Total Hours Calculations

    I'm afraid that the page doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me? Is there a simpler way of explaining it ? We have only been given three weeks to learn Access, so I'm pretty much a virgin-access user.
  5. L

    Total Hours Calculations

    How can I make Access perform a calculation of hours? I have a table for called Hours Worked, which must contain EmplyeeID, Date, Start Time, Finish Time. I have designed this table, however later on I have to design a query for the table that calculates the total number of hours worked and...
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