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  1. M

    Append multiplying generated records

    Hi, I'm trying to insert into my headcount table new persons with the following code. INSERT INTO HeadCountTbl (HeadCount, EmpID, Month_ID ) SELECT 1, HeadCountTbl.EmpID, HeadCountTbl.Month_ID FROM MonthTbl INNER JOIN HeadCountTbl ON MonthTbl.ID = HeadCountTbl.Month_ID WHERE...
  2. M

    Creating a SQL query from access

    Hi, I am trying to generate a SQL-string from Access to make a UPDATE from excel to the Access database. UPDATE CountryTbl INNER JOIN EmployeeTbl ON CountryTbl.CountryID = EmployeeTbl.Country_ID SET EmployeeTbl.Country_ID = "Italy" WHERE (((EmployeeTbl.EmpID)=50)); This will of course not...
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