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  1. Mike Krailo

    Expel Wayward Republicans from the Senate?

    What more evidence do you need? The last audit of the system was done recently and they found nearly 72 Billon in fraud, made recommendations, and nothing was implemented to fix the problem. You can do all the audits you want, and if nothing is corrected, it is meaningless.
  2. Mike Krailo

    Copy textbox text to clipboard

    OK, now I see what was going on with the 2046 error. The text to be copied must be highlighted or selected before that command will be effective. So an even better way if using the double click event is to simply set focus elsewhere first then back to the target textbox. This ensures the entire...
  3. Mike Krailo


    It's time to get rid of the agencies all together. Then there isn't anymore loopholes for the activist judges. You didn't get fired the agency doesn't exist anymore.
  4. Mike Krailo


    You're right Doc, it ain't exactly simple.
  5. Mike Krailo

    Copy textbox text to clipboard

    Not sure what the difference is, but the new code does work. Simple is always better.
  6. Mike Krailo

    Copy textbox text to clipboard

    No, I used a double click event on a notes field. There was text in the field and that's the error I got after double clicking. Arnel's method worked perfectly.
  7. Mike Krailo


    My respect for Fetterman keeps climbing higher.
  8. Mike Krailo

    Copy textbox text to clipboard

    I got the following error using that technique.
  9. Mike Krailo

    Copy textbox text to clipboard

    You might have to Browse for the FM20.dll in order to see that reference @arnelgp pointed out. It wasn't there for me until I browsed for it.
  10. Mike Krailo


    Playing the euphemism game, are we? An oligarch might be in the highest wealth class, but Musk did not become wealthy through illegitimate means as did the classic Russian Oligarch's did. It's just a bad equivalency to call Musk an oligarch. He is simply a very wealthy person that realized the...
  11. Mike Krailo

    Solved OpenArgs From SubF.CurrentRecord[FieldName]

    Thanks for the added explanation.
  12. Mike Krailo

    Assad Regime Has Fallen

    Unfortunately for atheists, they will not be able to explain why after death they are still perfectly aware and alive in a different way (spiritually). The spiritual world is more real than reality, but for some, they won't realize it until it's too late. War's of every kind are started on...
  13. Mike Krailo

    Assad Regime Has Fallen

    There is a lot of discussion on some Christian channels my wife and I watch about the Syria killings of Christians. Very disturbing. They are getting the lake of fire reward for sure.
  14. Mike Krailo

    Solved OpenArgs From SubF.CurrentRecord[FieldName]

    This thread is very disturbing if true. Especially the part about unbound control on a form cannot be referenced. I just tested this and didn't have a problem. What are the test conditions to confirm this?
  15. Mike Krailo

    Solved Why Some Calculated Fields Will Not Work In A Query?

    Please see june's post #29 for example of what i meant. Im not saying references outside the query.
  16. Mike Krailo

    Expel Wayward Republicans from the Senate?

    Turn them into an amusement park full of pickpockets.
  17. Mike Krailo

    Expel Wayward Republicans from the Senate?

    It's just getting started. Come back after a year and a half and see what the total savings is.
  18. Mike Krailo

    Expel Wayward Republicans from the Senate?

    Good luck with getting everyone to agree to that.
  19. Mike Krailo

    Solved Why Some Calculated Fields Will Not Work In A Query?

    What was confusing about it. You CAN reference the value of an alias in a query as was just demonstrated in the last few posts. Wait, I may have updated my post after you read the initial one. Maybe that's where the confusion came in.
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