Assad Regime Has Fallen

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 16:31
Jul 5, 2006
The demise of the Assad regime is going to have major repercussions on the Middle East. Though it is too early to tell, the first "victims" will be Christians and Kurds in Syria. Additionally, Assad was an Alawite. Members of the Alawite sect may also become targets of "ethnic cleansing".

While Assad was not a Christian, he was neutral concerning the presence of Christians in Syria. With the fall of his regime, the Taliban is already calling for the creation of an Islamic state. This represents the continued trend in nations, where Islam is the major religion, becoming Islamic states to the determent of minority religions. (You never here of any Christian states). As a generic global observation, the West has abandoned the Middle East to the Muslims.

At one time, in the past, I can't recall exactly when, Assad was a "friend" of the US. For reasons, I do not recall, Assad was de-friended by the US. This unfortunately created a diplomatic conundrum, where Assad had to seek new "friendships" from Russia and Iran. Moreover, as time past, Assad (to stay in power) became ever more brutal. (Did the de-friending of Assad by the US set the stage for this civil war in Syria? The West, by withdrawing from Lebanon, did destabilize Lebanon and did enable Hezbollah with subsequent Middle East mayhem.)

While one can "celebrate" the fall of the Assad regime, will the new regime be any better?
As the Assad regime has just fallen, we can only speculate. The most obvious fallout may be the creation of an Islamic state that includes the ethnic cleansing of minority groups such as Christians, Kurds, and Alawites. Additionally, Turkey is on the ascendancy in the region. So what will Erdogan do? Should an Islamist state be created in Syria, will they join with Hamas and Hezbollah to attack Israel? The answers to these questions have yet to be expressed.
Who was the CIA backing the Taliban or Assad?

Asking for a friend.
Who was the CIA backing the Taliban or Assad?
A lot more complicated. CNN had an excellent run-down on the various groups. As a substitute:
Hopefully, should the CIA be involved it should be supporting the Kurds. Regretfully, one of the Kurdish "freedom fighters" groups has been designated a terrorist organization. As an aside, Turkey, Iraq, and Iran do not want a Kurdish state and are participating in the ethnic cleansing of Kurds.

Update: Of course I ran across CNNs list of rebel groups after posting the above -->> Who are Syria's rebel groups?
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We really need to stay out of other couuntries' business. We always back the wrong side.
@AccessBlaster: Thanks for posting the video clip. I was looking for validation that it was Obama's fault.

For many years Assad was viewed positively by the US. Then one day, all of a sudden, Assad was evil. Very reminiscent of what the media continues to do today when a person is declared by the Democrats as an "enemy". For many years I was confused by this sudden declaration that Assad was an "enemy".
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It reminds me of the Saddam Hussein regime, you're backed by the US (CIA) and its proxies, until your not.
One very good point about Trump. He doesn't want to make "them" better by "giving" them "democracy".
The demise of the Assad regime is going to have major repercussions on the Middle East. Though it is too early to tell, the first "victims" will be Christians and Kurds in Syria. Additionally, Assad was an Alawite. Members of the Alawite sect may also become targets of "ethnic cleansing".
The second graphic below demonstrates the expansion of Islam in the Middle East.
One poster (the first image) on "X" stated that the Sharia law will be imposed, but I have not seen any supporting news to that effect.
The claims by Biden are ludicrous. Biden's foreign policy has been a disaster that promoted conflict. Biden is in an alternate reality.
Biden claimed that a combination of U.S. policies — isolating Assad; tying Russia down in Ukraine; and allowing Israel freedom of action against Iran and its Hezbollah proxy — weakened the regime and left it without defenders.
It's definitely a worrisome thing about who and what will fill this vaccuum. I'd say that trying our best to influence the outcome to at least something palatable to our safety is VERY much in American's interests. I'd love to say stay out of it, but if we just let the world boil over everywhere, eventually we're going to get burned (again). We might not always be successful, but we need to try to make sure Syria doesn't become now 10x more of a worry than it used to be.
@Isaac, it is, and for the last many years has been, that Iran is the driving force in that area. Syria will hopefully stay more oriented on human rights than the Taliban does, but make no mistake. Iran is the puppet-master in that area.
Once the religious zealots take over, they are doomed to going back to the dark ages.
I think Iran is weakened at the moment, but we'll see who knows what's going to happen
Is this the beginning?
Everybody has been cheering the fall of Assad. The concern, those coming into power in Syria may be even worse that Assad. Only time will tell.

I'm copying the image below from a prior post since it expresses (graphically) historical context that few people in the West seem to grasp. In short, the West has abandoned the Middle East to the radical Islamists. Currently, there are numerous calls for the US to stay out of a multi-front civil war in Syria. This is also bolstered by the simple fact that US (clandestine and overt) involvement in the Middle East has been an utter failure. Nevertheless, the West needs to "wakes-up" to the growing Islamist threat and push back.

One extremely controversial thing Trump did that I 100% support with no reservations is to start limiting the amount of immigration from majority-Muslim countries. I don't really care how unpleasant it sounds or plays out in soundbites and headlines. They're too dangerous to integrate into society safely, period. Stay in your country, we don't want to become Muslim.
They're too dangerous to integrate into society safely, period. Stay in your country, we don't want to become Muslim.
Christianity and other "peaceful" religions are spread by convincing others to see the light. Islam is spread by violence and either killing the conquered or forcing them to convert.

For a while, after the Crusades, Christianity fell under the spell of Islam and forcing people to convert. ie The Spanish Inquisition and other bad periods. We won't discuss the Papacy at all. But Christ's message was peace. It was corrupted for a time but hopefully has reverted to peaceful coexistence at least. Islam will not coexist with ANY other religion. That is why you cannot even give them an inch. They have driven the Jews and Christians virtually to extinction in the Middle East. THAT is how "peaceful" Islam is. Do not believe the lies. Read the Qu'ran and Sharia Law for yourself. Islam is so bad, it is like the Democrats. It's adherents feel the need to also destroy history. Just look at all the Buddha statues that ISIS destroyed, not to mention other precious archeological sites. WHY? Just because they are not Islam. The same thought process has infected many in this country who are now hell bent on destroying monuments and renaming everything to conform with their version of political correctness. Looks like one of the baseball teams is getting it's Indian logo back though. It seems that the native Americans never really were insulted by the logo. It was only the woke white folks.
Now that some time has passed, it seems that the new boss in Syria is the same as the old boss (Assad) in Syria.
What is absurd is the statement: "...need for US, Europe to 'keep a close eye' on Islamist regime ...". All we do is watch, Islam spread and Christians plus other minority religions getting killed. Lebanon used to be a Christian country and we let that fall. Now Syria is apparently going from being religiously neutral to becoming Islamic. This is another "nail" in the West committing cultural suicide.
It is perfectly acceptable for Muslims to purge their countries of Christians and Jews, even if they have to kill them to do so. Just like it its perfectly acceptable for blacks to kill whites here and for Muslim supporters to harass Jews and chase them off of college campus'. But, let a white kill a black, regardless of the circumstances and it is a HATE CRIME.
There is a lot of discussion on some Christian channels my wife and I watch about the Syria killings of Christians. Very disturbing. They are getting the lake of fire reward for sure.

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