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  1. S

    Trump is still the world's best bet ...

    Is that an insult worth looking up?
  2. S

    Trump is still the world's best bet ...

    Your lack of comprehension is amusing. You defended him, so I explained to you. :)
  3. S

    Trump is still the world's best bet ...

    Passive aggressive. Wrap my opinion in a personal insult, trying to bully me into not voicing my opinion. Maga tactic number 23
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    Trump is still the world's best bet ...

    We also have a saying, "Birds of a feather flock together" Dictators, XI, orban, Kim yon Un, Putin, TRUMP I explained previously, for the UN-initiated, the reason for the Ukraine invasion. sexual predators, Epstein, maxwell - Trump Trump must really have been trying to catch epstein and co
  5. S

    Trump is still the world's best bet ...

    Ah, a champion of freedom of speech. Because I don.t see things your way, like 51% :) of America I might add, I am a troll.
  6. S

    Trump is still the world's best bet ...

    I cant even bring myself to swat a fly, you are a beautiful person. Just misguided.
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    Trump is still the world's best bet ...

    Exactly, he would have been dead and people would have moved on, instead you are being dragged to civil war as is Trumps penchant.
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    Trump is still the world's best bet ...

    How you think that one life is more important than any other life shows your true character.
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    Trump is still the world's best bet ...

    I suspected there might possibly be a barrage of indignation, It is a pity that some people are not more indignant at the hundreds of thousands of innocent Russians and Ukranians sent to their death by Trumps mate Putin. Trump is complicit in the deaths of tens of thousands of people. the time...
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    Trump is still the world's best bet ...

    You have that the wrong way round Docman, Its taken the Americans a little over eight years to Begin to realize the danger Trump poses, he should have been shot in December 2015.
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    Trump is still the world's best bet ...

    shooter has been identified on BBC news as a Republican party member
  12. S

    Trump is still the world's best bet ...

    You should be in the FBI Pat, Your acute insight into the perp and his motives from just a news item is a special gift. But as I witness frequently from Maga, all fact can just be ignored and totally irrational unfounded assumption is the norm. Its a supreme irony that an advocate of political...
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    Trump is still the world's best bet ...

    You got rid of it once, do it again
  14. S

    Trump is still the world's best bet ...

    I have not heard a single republican state that Trump did not commit those crimes, and neither would I expect you too. ITS a WITCH HUNT and guess what, You FOUND A WITCH
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    Trump is still the world's best bet ...

    Did you watch the video? Most European countries have witnessed first hand the rise of Fascism from within. The question is are the Hardworking American People, for whom, not for the first time in their own backyard, going to do the same as our parents and grandparents did and Snuff it out...
  16. S

    Trump is still the world's best bet ...

    I don't need to, I respect the judicial system in which both our countries share similar processes. Trial's Judges and juries. As We all know actions speak louder than words and several dozen normal right minded people spread over several different juries have not just heard that Trump has...
  17. S

    Trump is still the world's best bet ...

    Would a black British person OR a Moroccan French Person, or a Turkish German be welcome in your version of America or would it only be white people?
  18. S

    Trump is still the world's best bet ...

    We had a politician in the 60's His name Was Enoch Powell he was like trump, A fear monger and racist of the highest order. At the time we had Immigration into England from India, Africa and the Caribbean. HE tried unsuccessfully, thank goodness, to scare the population and came out with the...
  19. S

    Trump is still the world's best bet ...

    TRUMP has just been voted top amongst European politicians, only two Countries had him second, Hungary and Tunisia. TRUMP won 41 % next best 17 % question was, which world leader was most likely to cause WW3
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    Spain played wonderful football so far, the one or two flashes of England's potential we saw last night are produced on every attack by Spain. The quality and skill of the modern players, such that it is, if any of them are given enough space and time on the ball they can show us real...
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