Trump is still the world's best bet ...

Trump is complicit in the deaths of tens of thousands of people.
You got that wrong. Putin would never have invaded Ukraine if Trump had been President. It was Biden's weakness and idiotic pushing of NATO to accept Ukraine that was the tipping point.

Apparently you've never read Sun Tzu or Machiavelli either. I think you get to the "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" advice in the first chapter of The Art of War because it is such an important concept of diplomacy and keeping the peace. Only a senile fool or someone who actually wants to cause a war pokes the bear publicly as Biden did.
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You have that the wrong way round Docman, Its taken the Americans a little over eight years to Begin to realize the danger Trump poses, he should have been shot in December 2015.
Evidence? You are making another unsubstantiated TDS remark. Trump would not have the approval rating that he has, if your comment were valid. It is Biden who is attempting to implement a Stalinist like dictatorship.
TDS has actually rotted his brain and now he wishes death on another human being. Shows his true character I think.
How you think that one life is more important than any other life shows your true character.
Evidence? You are making another unsubstantiated TDS remark. Trump would not have the approval rating that he has, if your comment were valid. It is Biden who is attempting to implement a Stalinist like dictatorship.
Exactly, he would have been dead and people would have moved on, instead you are being dragged to civil war as is Trumps penchant.
It is a pity that some people are not more indignant at the hundreds of thousands of innocent Russians and Ukranians sent to their death by Trumps mate Putin.

It is a greater pity that you seem to not recognize that the only valuable freedom from tyranny is that which you won for yourself despite the apparent opposition. Offer someone "freedom" and they don't recognize its value. Then they let it slip through their fingers.

The argument that more guns = less deaths, can now hopefully be seen for the pathetic reasoning that it has always been

The focus on deaths ignores the concept of justice. Lady Justice is blind - but carries a sword as well as the balances. People ALWAYS find ways to break the law. But the people who are salvageable are the ones that recognize that the person THEY were going to rob could ALSO be carrying, thus making the odds not so good for the potential miscreant.

Look at the number of cases where a citizen stops a shooter from continuing the rampage - by putting a bullet-sized hole in the perps plans (and body.) The argument you quoted is incorrect. It is "more guns, less uncontrolled rampages." But the biased news media don't want to publicize those cases... it conflicts with their Progressive Liberal agenda.

You are NOT GOING TO STOP SHOOTINGS with some silly law to take away guns. Criminals will find a way to make their own guns if by no other means. The black market of gun sales will flourish. The genie has been out of THAT bottle for centuries. There is NO LAW you can envision that will stop a criminal who wants to have a gun to make him feel invincible. People planning criminal acts will not think twice about breaking one more law to add a gun to their equation. Do you not see that? If you don't see it, you have taken the wrong color pill. You are imagining a chimera - an animal that doesn't exist - an animal called a "law-abiding criminal."
Space Cowboy. ...

I suspect the "boy" part is correct.....

I suspect he's one of those "failed to launch" boys Jordan Peterson talks about. Living in his mum's basement and getting on the internet winding people up!

Bit like me really!
Ah, a champion of freedom of speech.
But @AccessBlaster didn't call to censor you? You are twisting his comment.

We have a number of trolls here. They are people who for reasons that escape me hang out in an Access forum but only post in the WaterCooler and Political forums. You are very new here but at least you occasionally post in the technical forums so I would not, at least at this point classify you as a troll if that makes you feel any better;)
You got that wrong. Putin would never have invaded Ukraine if Trump had been President. It was Biden's weakness and idiotic pushing of NATO to accept Ukraine that was the tipping point.

Apparently you've never read Sun Tzu or Machiavelli either. I think you get to the "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" advice in the first chapter of The Art of War because it is such an important concept of diplomacy and keeping the peace. Only a senile fool or someone who actually wants to cause a war pokes the bear publicly as Biden did.
We also have a saying, "Birds of a feather flock together"

Dictators, XI, orban, Kim yon Un, Putin, TRUMP

I explained previously, for the UN-initiated, the reason for the Ukraine invasion.

sexual predators, Epstein, maxwell - Trump

Trump must really have been trying to catch epstein and co
But @AccessBlaster didn't call to censor you? You are twisting his comment.

We have a number of trolls here. They are people who for reasons that escape me hang out in an Access forum but only post in the WaterCooler and Political forums. You are very new here but at least you occasionally post in the technical forums so I would not, at least at this point classify you as a troll if that makes you feel any better;)

Passive aggressive. Wrap my opinion in a personal insult, trying to bully me into not voicing my opinion.

Maga tactic number 23
@AccessBlaster called you a troll and I say you are not a troll and you accuse me of a personal insult and being passive aggressive? I really need some of that funny stuff you smoke.

@AccessBlaster I expect a hearty thank you from you for taking this particular bulleto_O

Exactly, he would have been dead and people would have moved on, instead you are being dragged to civil war as is Trumps penchant.
You make no sense. You refuse to provide evidence. You have no credibility.

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